Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2020

Board Information Technology Committee (BITC) ǍƃǒȦdzƃǵ • Mohamed Ridza Mohamed Abdulla rƭdzƞƭȦȮ • Dato’ Sri Khazali Ahmad • Azizan Ahmad • Mohd Yuzaidi Mohd Yusoff Roles and Responsibilities ɰɰȈɰɽɰ ɽȃlj 9Ɂƃɨǁ Ȉȶ ɁʤljɨɰljljȈȶǼ ɽȃlj ȈȴɥȢljȴljȶɽƃɽȈɁȶ Ɂǹ ɰɽɨƃɽljǼȈljɰ Ɂǹ ŽȶǹɁɨȴƃɽȈɁȶ Technology (IT) and digitalisation activities including e-banking initiatives of the Bank. The detailed roles and responsibilities of the BITC are set out in its Terms Ɂǹ Ąljǹljɨljȶƺlj ӯěÝĄӰӗ ʥȃȈƺȃ ʥƃɰ Ȣƃɰɽ ɨljʤȈljʥljǁ Ɂȶ ѵѼ ɥɨȈȢ ѵѳѵѳ ƃȶǁ Ȉɰ ƃʤƃȈȢƃƹȢlj on the Company’s website at . Meetings Čljʤljȶ ӯѺӰ ȴljljɽȈȶǼɰ ʥljɨlj ȃljȢǁ ǁʍɨȈȶǼ ɽȃlj ǹȈȶƃȶƺȈƃȢ ʰljƃɨ ljȶǁljǁ ѶѴ Aljƺljȴƹljɨ ѵѳѵѳӗ Ȉȶ ȢȈȶlj ʥȈɽȃ ɽȃlj ɨljɧʍȈɨljǁ ǹɨljɧʍljȶƺʰ ƃɰ ɰɽȈɥʍȢƃɽljǁ Ȉȶ ɽȃlj ěÝĄ Ɂǹ ɽȃlj 9Žě:ӝ ɥƃɨɽ from the BITC members, the meetings are also attended by the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Technology Officer and the Chief Information Security Officer. ČK:ěŽÝÇ :Ӗ ě‰K ȉ ĄŽ ‰ ČĩĀKĄřŽČÝĄť :ÝĩÇ:Ž¸ ӭČČ:Ӯ The SSC forms an important part of the governance structure of the Bank, and functionally reports to the Board. Composition ěȃlj ČČ: ȃƃɰ ɰȈʯ ӯѹӰ ȴljȴƹljɨɰ ʍȶɽȈȢ ѶѴ Aljƺljȴƹljɨ ѵѳѵѳӗ Ȉȶ ƺɁȴɥȢȈƃȶƺlj ʥȈɽȃ ɽȃlj ɨljɧʍȈɨljȴljȶɽ Ɂǹ ɥƃɨƃǼɨƃɥȃ ѴѶӝѵ Ɂǹ ɽȃlj ČȃƃɨȈƃȃ {Ɂʤljɨȶƃȶƺlj ĀɁȢȈƺʰ AɁƺʍȴljȶɽ ӯČ{ĀAӰ ʥȃȈƺȃ ɨljɧʍȈɨljɰ ƃȶ ŽɰȢƃȴȈƺ financial institution to have at least five ӯѸӰ ȴljȴƹljɨɰӝ ĄljʤȈljʥljǁ ƃȶǁ ǁljȢȈƹljɨƃɽljǁ ɽȃlj ǹɁȢȢɁʥȈȶǼӖ • ĀɨɁǼɨljɰɰ Ɂǹ Žě 9ȢʍljɥɨȈȶɽ • ʍǁȈɽ Ȉɰɰʍljɰ ɨljȢƃɽȈȶǼ ɽɁ Žě • Žě ĀɨɁȚljƺɽ ɥɨȈɁɨȈɽȈɰƃɽȈɁȶ • Žě 9ʍǁǼljɽ ǹɁɨ yťѵѳѵѴ • ĀɨɁǼɨljɰɰ Ɂǹ ɽȃlj Žě ɥɨɁȚljƺɽ ƃȶǁ ʍɽȈȢȈɰƃɽȈɁȶ Ɂǹ ɽȃlj Žě 9ʍǁǼljɽ • ĄljɥɁɨɽ Ɂȶ :ʰƹljɨɰljƺʍɨȈɽʰ ȈȶȈɽȈƃɽȈʤljɰ • ĄljɥɁɨɽ Ɂȶ :ȢɁʍǁ ĄȈɰȟ ɰɰljɰɰȴljȶɽ ɥɨljɥƃɨljǁ ƹʰ ljʯɽljɨȶƃȢ ƺɁȶɰʍȢɽƃȶɽ • ȶȶʍƃȢ ɨljʤȈljʥ Ɂǹ ÃƃʯȈȴʍȴ ěɁȢljɨƃƹȢlj AɁʥȶɽȈȴlj ǹɁɨ ƺɨȈɽȈƺƃȢ ƹʍɰȈȶljɰɰ ǹʍȶƺɽȈɁȶɰ ƃȶǁ ĄljƺɁʤljɨʰ ěȈȴlj ÝƹȚljƺɽȈʤlj for critical systems 9Žě: ƺɽȈʤȈɽȈljɰ Ȉȶ ѵѳѵѳ Members of the SSC have diverse backgrounds, experience and knowledge. Each SSC member is an expert in his/her respective specialised field such as Islamic law, Islamic banking, capital market, takaful, waqf, zakat, fatwa, halal industry etc. Their qualification in Islamic jurisprudence ԐɃȮɃǪ ƃǪԜDžǒȥǍԑ and Islamic commercial laws ԐDžǒȥǍ ƃǪԜdzɃԪƃdzƃǪƃȻԑ , expertise and vast experience in the academia as well as in the industry support the depth and breadth of the SSC deliberations on Shariah related matters. Duties and Responsibilities In addition to the Board’s oversight accountability on Shariah compliance, the SSC was established to perform an oversight role on all Shariah matters and to advise the Bank in ensuring its business affairs and activities comply with Shariah. The SSC’s primary duties and responsibilities are outlined in the :ȃƃɨɽljɨ ƃȶǁ ěljɨȴɰ Ɂǹ Ąljǹljɨljȶƺlj ʥȃȈƺȃ are available on . 158 Accountabi l i t y Financ ial Statement s CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT