Bank Islam Integrated Annual Report 2020

Supply and Access to Information ĀɨȈɁɨ ɽɁ ljƃƺȃ 9Ɂƃɨǁ ȴljljɽȈȶǼӗ ɽȃlj ƃǼljȶǁƃ and a set of Board papers encompassing qualitative and quantitative information relevant to the business of the meeting ƃɨlj ƺȈɨƺʍȢƃɽljǁ ɽɁ ƃȢȢ AȈɨljƺɽɁɨɰ ǹȈʤlj ӯѸӰ days prior to the meeting dates. This allows the Directors to have sufficient time to peruse the Board papers and seek clarification or further details from the Management or the Company Secretary before each meeting to ensure preparedness for the meeting. ȶʰ AȈɨljƺɽɁɨ ȴƃʰ ɨljɧʍljɰɽ ƃȶʰ ȴƃɽɽljɨɰ ɽɁ ƹlj ȈȶƺȢʍǁljǁ Ȉȶ ɽȃlj ƃǼljȶǁƃӝ ĩɨǼljȶɽ papers may be presented and tabled at a meeting under the item “Other Matters”, upon endorsement by the CEO and approval by the Chairman. The contents of the Board papers prepared are comprehens i ve and include objectives, background, critical issues, implications , risks assessment and mitigations, recommendations and other pertinent information to enable informed decision-making by the Board. Žȶ ѵѳѵѳӗ ɽȃlj 9ƃȶȟ ȈȴɥȢljȴljȶɽljǁ ƃ secured software application where the Directors could access the Board papers online. This software eases the process of distribution of meeting papers and minimises leakage of confidential and sens i t i ve informat ion. The onl ine accessibility facilitates the Directors to read and rev i ew document s or communicate with other Board members at any time. The Directors have direct access to the Management and have unrestricted access to any information relating to the Group to enable them to discharge their duties effectively. The Directors also have direct access to the advice and services of the Company Secretary and are regularly updated on new statutory and regulatory requirements relating to the duties and responsibi lities of the Directors. The Directors, whether as a full Board or in their individual capacity, may seek independent professional advice at the Company’s expense in furtherance of their duties. ěȃlj 9Ɂƃɨǁԇɰ ѵѳѵѳ ƺɽȈʤȈɽȈljɰ ƃȶǁ ĀɨȈɁɨȈɽȈljɰ The table below shows the key areas of focus and strategic matters considered by the Board which appear as items on the Board’s agenda at the respective meetings throughout the financial year under review. Area of Focus ČɽɨƃɽljǼȈƺ Ãƃɽɽljɨɰ :ɁȶɰȈǁljɨljǁ ƹʰ ɽȃlj 9Ɂƃɨǁ Ȉȶ ѵѳѵѳ Strategy, Financial and Business Performance ČɽɨƃɽljǼȈƺ AȈɨljƺɽȈɁȶɰӗ 9ʍɰȈȶljɰɰ ĀȢƃȶ ƃȶǁ 9ʍǁǼljɽ Ɂǹ ɽȃlj 9ƃȶȟ ǹɁɨ ɽȃlj ȶljʯɽ ǹȈʤlj ӯѸӰ ʰljƃɨɰ Ӹ ѵѳѵѴ ɽɁ ѵѳѵѸ :ɁɨɥɁɨƃɽlj ɰƺɁɨljƺƃɨǁɰ ƃȶǁ ¶ljʰ ĀljɨǹɁɨȴƃȶƺlj ŽȶǁȈƺƃɽɁɨɰ ӯ¶ĀŽӰ ʍǁȈɽljǁ ǹȈȶƃȶƺȈƃȢ ɰɽƃɽljȴljȶɽɰ ǹɁɨ ɽȃlj ǹȈȶƃȶƺȈƃȢ ʰljƃɨ ljȶǁljǁ ѶѴ Aljƺljȴƹljɨ ѵѳѴѼ ƃȶǁ unaudited interim financial statements yɁɨljƺƃɰɽ ǹɁɨ ɽȃlj ǹȈȶƃȶƺȈƃȢ ʰljƃɨ ljȶǁȈȶǼ ѶѴ Aljƺljȴƹljɨ ѵѳѵѳ ǁʍlj ɽɁ ɽȃlj Ȉȴɥƃƺɽ Ɂǹ :ÝřŽAӸѴѼ pandemic The Bank’s business performance based on the financial reports presented to the Board Āƃʰȴljȶɽ Ɂǹ ǹȈȶƃȢ ǁȈʤȈǁljȶǁ ǹɁɨ ɰȃƃɨljȃɁȢǁljɨԇɰ ƃɥɥɨɁʤƃȢ ĄljƃɥɥɁȈȶɽȴljȶɽ Ɂǹ ljʯɽljɨȶƃȢ ƃʍǁȈɽɁɨɰ Žɰɰʍljɰ ɽɁ ƃǁǁɨljɰɰ ƺȃƃȢȢljȶǼljɰ ƃɨȈɰȈȶǼ ǹɨɁȴ :ÝřŽAӸѴѼ ɥƃȶǁljȴȈƺ ĀɨɁǼɨljɰɰ Ɂǹ ɰɽɨƃɽljǼȈƺ ȈȶȈɽȈƃɽȈʤljɰ ƃȶǁ ȟljʰ ɁɥljɨƃɽȈɁȶƃȢ Ȉɰɰʍljɰ Ɂǹ ɽȃlj 9ƃȶȟ ĀɨɁɥɁɰƃȢɰ ǹɁɨ ȶljʥ ɥɨɁǁʍƺɽɰ ƃȶǁ ɰljɨʤȈƺljɰ ɽɁ ljȶɰʍɨlj ɽȃlj 9ƃȶȟԇɰ ɁǹǹljɨȈȶǼ ɨljȴƃȈȶɰ ɨljȢljʤƃȶɽ and competitive Outsourcing proposals BANK ISLAM MALAYS IA BERHAD INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2020 141