Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

Our commitment to robust and transparent governance extends to our frequent and meaningful engagement with the investment community. By consistently providing investors, shareholders and analysts with timely and accurate information about our strategies, initiatives, performance and business outlook, we ensure they are well-informed about our operational landscape and the factors influencing our performance. This fosters trust and confidence in our long-term growth and expansion strategies, essential contributors to our value-creation ambitions. Our primary channels of communication with investors include Annual General Meetings (“AGMs”), quarterly briefings and ad-hoc briefings for significant updates. Our leaders spearhead these engagements, providing pertinent information and updates while also addressing questions and concerns from the investment community (see ‘Summary of Investor Interests’ below). Additionally, we use our website and social media platforms for regular updates. To enhance their effective stewardship of the Group and their ability to respond to investor concerns, our Board of Directors continuously seeks to upgrade their competencies in pertinent areas such as Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) developments, risk management and industry-specific matters. We further empower our employees to address evolving investor needs by leveraging our membership with the Malaysian Investor Relations Association (“MIRA”), along with other external sources, to provide them access to relevant training resources. As our business interests expand, we remain committed to improving our disclosures and investor relations practices, ensuring the preservation of robust mutually beneficial relationships with investors for the long term. Summary of Investor Interests • Progress of the arbitration process involving Silterra • Silterra's performance in light of the semiconductor downturn • Potential demand for emerging technologies in DNeX's semiconductor business • Utilisation of the private placement exercise • Expansion progress and capital expenditure needs in the oil and gas sector • Impact of the Energy Profit Levy (“EPL”) on DNeX’s energy business • Growth prospects and future outlook of the IT business Communication and Engagement Programmes Conducted QUARTERLY ANALYST BRIEFINGS Engagement Dates Medium Audience 30 August 2022, Tuesday 4Q FY2022 financial results (Virtual) >100 fund managers and analysts 25 November 2022, Friday 1Q FY2023 financial results (Virtual) 64 fund managers and analysts 20 February 2023, Monday 2Q FY2022 financial results (Virtual) 66 fund managers and analysts Integrated Report 2023 77 INVESTOR RELATIONS