Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

Staying abreast of ongoing market developments in our operational domains is crucial, allowing us to discern and assess the implications of emerging trends. These insights empower us to respond swiftly, mitigating risks and seizing opportunities presented by these significant market shifts. DIGITALISATION MACROECONOMIC AND GEOPOLITICAL UNCERTAINTY The ongoing rapid digitalisation presents both opportunities and risks for our businesses. Heightened digitalisation exposes us to cyber threats, potentially disrupting our operations and tarnishing our reputation. Concurrently, our adoption of new technologies necessitates significant capital investment, potentially impacting our operating margins. Nevertheless, this digital transformation trend also fuels demand for our systems integration and consulting services, particularly in supporting public and private sector initiatives to digitalise services. Furthermore, it bolsters our trade facilitation business, where digital platforms are central. Additionally, the increasing adoption of technologies such as AI, electric vehicles, and modern medical equipment drives demand for semiconductors and emerging technologies like MEMS and Silicon Photonics offered by SilTerra. Continued geopolitical conflicts are exerting direct and indirect pressures on the global economy, impacting financial, trade, and commodity channels1. Escalating tensions between nations can disrupt trade flows, leading to supply chain disruptions and affecting commodity prices, including oil and gas. We remain vigilant about the possibility of a stagnant global economy affecting demand and revenue across our business divisions. Additionally, high raw material costs and supply chain bottlenecks may escalate our production and distribution expenses. Conversely, Ping may benefit from elevated oil prices, and there could be opportunities for strategic acquisitions at reduced costs amidst macroeconomic uncertainty. Our Response To align with this trend, we are progressively adopting digital technologies across our operations, enhancing efficiency across the board, from customer acquisition to internal communications. Strategic partnerships are also being forged to expand our digital offerings and extend the reach of our solutions globally. Additionally, we have expanded manufacturing capacity at SilTerra to meet the anticipated surge in market demand. Our Response Moving ahead, we are committed to maintaining lean operations and leveraging economies of scale to mitigate operating costs. We will also explore diversification opportunities to cushion the impact of any sector-specific challenges on overall Group profitability. Integrated Report 2023 59 KEY MARKET TRENDS