Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

Integrated Report 2023 55 Moderate Very High Moderate Materiality High Materiality Very High Materiality SIGNIFICANCE TO DNeX GROUP SIGNIFICANCE TO THE STAKEHOLDERS M1 M5 M3 M2 M6 M4 M7 M9 M8 M10 M11 M12 These 12 sustainability matters, and their relative significance to DNeX Group and our stakeholders, are depicted in the materiality matrix below. MATERIAL MATTERS GHG Emissions M1 Resource Management M3 Energy Management M2 Workforce Management M5 Employee Health & Safety M6 Ecological Impact M4 Product Quality & Safety M7 Business Ethics M9 Community Relations M8 Business Model Resilience M10 Data Privacy & Security M11 Supply Chain Management M12