Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

DAGANG NeXCHANGE BERHAD 54 Management Discussion and Analysis – Strategic Review OUR MATERIAL MATTERS MATERIALITY Our sustainability agenda is guided by the principle of materiality, which dictates that our efforts should be aligned with key topics that are significant to our business and our stakeholders. In FY2022, in line with our adoption of integrated reporting, we carried out our first materiality assessment. The assessment encompassed extensive consultations with internal and external stakeholders, and a benchmarking exercise covering our industry peers and relevant national commitments. The assessment followed the following five steps: 1 A comprehensive list of sustainability issues was compiled based on recognised standards such as the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (“SASB”), Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI”) and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (“UN SDGs”). Following internal consultations, the list was refined to focus on issues that are most relevant and material to DNeX Group. Identification An internal team cross-referenced the identified sustainability issues with those of our industry peers. This process aimed to validate our selection decisions and uncover any additional material issues that should be considered. 2Mapping to Industry Peers Based on the outcomes of the mapping exercises undertaken, internal stakeholders shortened the long list of sustainability issues into a final list of 12 sustainability matters deemed as most material to our Group-wide ESG impact. 4Prioritisation The final list of sustainability matters was approved by the Board, thus serving as the foundation of our Sustainability Framework and our Group-wide sustainability initiatives and actions. 5 Finalisation The identified sustainability issues were compared to Malaysia’s national sustainability commitments to pinpoint additional considerations. 3 Mapping to National Commitments To ascertain the continued relevance of our existing sustainability matters, we undertook an internal materiality validation exercise in FY2023. As a result of this process, we concluded that each of the sustainability matters presented in our FY2022 Sustainability Statement remained material to DNeX Group.