Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

Capitals UN SDGs Material Matters MEDIA VALUE FOR US • Exposure to target audiences through news coverage and feature articles, raising brand awareness and visibility • Opportunities for positive publicity and reputation management through favourable media coverage • Platform for sharing corporate messages, announcements and updates with stakeholders and the public • Access to valuable market insights and consumer trends via media reports and analyses VALUE FOR THEM • Opportunities for advertising revenue through sponsored content, commercials and partnerships • Access to exclusive news stories, interviews and events, attracting readership • Collaboration on content creation and distribution, expanding audience reach and engagement RISKS • Negative publicity or damaging news coverage that tarnishes our reputation and credibility • Misinterpretation or misrepresentation of our messages or actions by media outlets, leading to public misunderstanding or backlash • Increased scrutiny from regulators or authorities due to media attention, resulting in investigations or legal actions • Loss of customer trust and loyalty due to negative media coverage, impacting our sales and revenue OPPORTUNITIES • Strategically partnering with media outlets to amplify brand messages and communicate our transformation roadmap, expansion plan and positive impact on national development • Enhancing information disclosure through our website and social media to provide comprehensive insights • Proactively addressing and rectifying negative perceptions or misconceptions through transparent communication and engagement with the media • Implementing crisis communication strategies and providing media training to effectively manage and mitigate reputational risks during adverse media situations BUSINESS INITIATIVES • Accurate, transparent and timely updates on business developments • Regular engagement through various platforms • Convenient information access via website updates VALUE CREATION INDICATORS & HIGHLIGHTS • Frequency of media releases M4 M8 M9 M10 Integrated Report 2023 51