Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

Capitals UN SDGs Material Matters SHAREHOLDERS & INVESTMENT COMMUNITY VALUE FOR US • Access to capital for investment in growth opportunities, expansion and innovation • Potential for long-term partnerships and strategic collaborations with investment banks and research houses • Increased visibility and credibility in the financial markets, attracting potential investors and partners • Recognition and support for our sustainable business practices and ESG initiatives, enhancing our reputation and brand value VALUE FOR THEM • Potential for capital appreciation through increases in our share price • Dividend payments, providing income to shareholders • Influence on company decisions through voting rights at shareholder meetings • Access to financial information and performance updates to make informed investment decisions RISKS • Disruptions to our business caused by geopolitical, economic or environmental factors or non-compliance with environmental regulations • Share price volatility due to market fluctuations or changes in investor sentiment • Loss of investor confidence resulting from poor financial performance or corporate governance issues • Incidents of workplace discrimination, corruption or other unethical practices OPPORTUNITIES • Developing robust risk management strategies to enhance business resilience • Implementing sustainable practices to improve our corporate reputation and attract environmentally conscious investors • Introducing enhanced investor relations methods, such as site visits, to foster greater transparency and trust • Strengthening our thought leadership by participating in industry-level and investor conferences • Leveraging technological advancements to improve operational efficiency and competitiveness • Utilising our transformation plan to broaden our presence within current industries and explore new sectors • Establishing clear channels for reporting and addressing unethical behaviour to uphold ethical standards and maintain trust BUSINESS INITIATIVES • Precise and prompt financial performance reports • Robust corporate governance • Sustainable practices and ESG stewardship VALUE CREATION INDICATORS & HIGHLIGHTS • Key annual financial guidance • Dividend Pay-out (%) • ROE (%) • Total investment (RM) M9 M10 Integrated Report 2023 49