Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

inside this report OVERVIEW OF DAGANG NeXCHANGE BERHAD 21 Vision | Mission | Shared Values 22 Who We Are | Key Strategic Thrusts 22 2023 Key Highlights 22 Financial Highlights 23 Business Highlights 24 Sustainability Highlights 24 Awards & Recognitions 25 What Differentiates Us: Our Strengths 26 Our Presence 28 Group Corporate Structure 30 What We Do: Core Business 32 Corporate Milestones 2 ABOUT THIS REPORT LEADERSHIP INSIGHTS 04 Executive Chairman’s Statement 10 Group Chief Operating Officer’s Statement 18 Embedding ESG into Our Business 1 3 VALUE CREATION AT DNeX 36 Our Approach To Value Creation 38 Our Value Creating Business Model 40 Stakeholder Engagement 46 Value We Create B. Performance Review 68 Group Financial Review 72 5-Year Financial Summary 73 5-Year Financial Highlights 74 Simplified Group Statements Of Financial Position 75 Group Quarterly Performance 76 Financial Calendar 77 Investor Relations C. Business Review 82 Technology 84 Energy 86 Information Technology MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS A. Strategic Review 54 Our Material Matters 56 Operating Environment 59 Key Market Trends 61 Key Risks And Mitigation 67 Our Strategies 4 6 SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENTS 110 About This Statement 111 About DNeX - Our Supply Chain 112 Our Approach to Sustainability - Sustainability Governance - Stakeholder Engagement - Materiality - The DNeX Sustainability Framework 115 Environmental 116 GHG Emissions 117 Energy Management 118 Resource Management 119 Ecological Impact 120 Social 121 Workforce Management 130 Employee Health & Safety 132 Product Quality & Safety 133 Community Relations 135 Governance 136 Business Ethics 137 Data Privacy & Security 138 Supply Chain Management 139 Business Model Resilience 140 Sustainability Bursa Performance 5 LEADERSHIP 90 Corporate Information 92 Board At A Glance 93 Board Of Directors’ Profile 104 Profile Of Senior Management OUR GOVERNANCE 142 Chairman’s Corporate Governance Overview 144 Corporate Governance Overview Statement 164 Additional Compliance Information 167 Statement On Risk Management And Internal Control 176 Audit Committee Report 7 8 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 180 Statement Of Directors’ Responsibility 181 Directors’ Report 187 Statements Of Financial Position 189 Statements Of Profit Or Loss And Other Comprehensive Income 191 Statements Of Changes In Equity 195 Statements Of Cash Flows 198 Notes To The Financial Statements 306 Statement By Directors 306 Statutory Declaration 307 Independent Auditors’ Report 9 SHAREHOLDERS’ INFORMATION 313 Analysis Of Shareholdings 316 List Of Properties 317 Group Corporate Directory 319 Notice Of 53rd Annual General Meeting 325 Administrative Notes For The 53rd Annual General Meeting Form Of Proxy