Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

Quality of Engagement Why We Engage Why We Engage Our Response Our Response How We Measure Value How We Measure Value By engaging with the media, we can ensure that information on Group developments is conveyed to our stakeholders in a timely and accurate manner. Strong media relations also empower us to minimise adverse effects from any crises that occur. By engaging transparently with local communities, we can build greater trust in our organisation, address concerns related to our activities and, ultimately, develop approaches that drive sustainable socioeconomic development alongside the growth of our business. Key Concerns • Strategic direction and business growth • Financial performance • Product innovation • Environmental stewardship • CSR activities • Business ethics and compliance • Senior appointments Key Concerns • Environmental stewardship • CSR activities • Community welfare and well-being • Job opportunities • Ensuring the provision of accurate and timely information on our business developments • Promptly addressing media inquiries • Regularly engaging with media outlets through one-on-one interviews, company features and other article formats • Enhancing communication and disclosures on our website to facilitate information dissemination • Disclosing results and information in a transparent manner • Investing consistently in impactful CSR initiatives that drive long-term community development • Offering sponsorships and/or donations to local institutions and NGOs • Prioritising local communities when sourcing for employees and suppliers • Enhancing our Sustainability Framework to enhance ESG stewardship • Frequency of media releases per communication platform • CSR investment disbursed (RM) • Employee volunteer hours • Zakat wakalah disbursed (RM) How We Engage • Media releases AWR • Media conferences AWR • Media interviews AWR How We Engage • CSR programmes AWR • Sponsorships and donations AWR • Social media postings R Capitals: UN SDGs: Material Matters: MEDIA SOCIETY & COMMUNITIES M4 M8 M9 M10 Quality of Engagement Capitals: UN SDGs: Material Matters: M3 M4 M5 M8 M9 Integrated Report 2023 45