Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

Quality of Engagement Why We Engage Key Concerns Our Response How We Measure Value By engaging meaningfully with our business partners and suppliers, we can ensure that our standards are upheld and that we are meeting their needs in turn, thus fostering mutually beneficial, long-term relationships. • Regulatory compliance • High quality goods and services • Product innovation • Business resilience • Business ethics and governance • Stance on discrimination • Opportunities for collaboration • User-friendliness of the e-procurement system • Procurement guidelines, including sustainable practices • Implementing robust corporate governance practices across the Group • Collaborating with industry peers to create more effective and impactful solutions • Maintaining a whistleblowing channel for confidential reporting of concerns • Clearly discussing concerns and communicating expectations through regular meetings • Enhancing our operational processes, especially in service and product delivery • Undertaking regular supplier performance reviews • Supplier performance review How We Engage • Business meetings R • Periodic events AWR • Supplier assessments A • Supplier registrations AWR Capitals: UN SDGs: Material Matters: BUSINESS PARTNERS & SUPPLIERS M7 M9 M10 M11 M12 Value Creation at DNeX DAGANG NeXCHANGE BERHAD 44 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT