Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

Quality of Engagement Why We Engage Key Concerns Our Response How We Measure Value By engaging with our shareholders and the investment community, we gain insights into the factors that influence their investment decisions, enabling us to develop strategies and approaches that drive their continued satisfaction and support. Through regular engagement, we also further our reputation as a transparent and responsible organisation. • Financial performance • Strategic direction and business growth • Environmental stewardship • CSR activities • Delivering precise and prompt reports on our financial performance • Implementing robust corporate governance practices • Enhancing our Sustainability Framework to bolster our ESG stewardship • Key annual financial guidance • Dividend Pay-out (%) • ROE (%) • Total investment (RM) How We Engage • Performance reports and disclosures R • Announcements on Bursa Malaysia, including financial results AWR • Annual General Meetings (“AGMs”) A • Analyst briefing sessions Q • Investor relations engagements AWR • DNeX website R • Integrated report A Link to: Capitals: UN SDGs: Material Matters: SHAREHOLDERS & INVESTMENT COMMUNITY M9 M10 Integrated Report 2023 43