Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

FREQUENCY OF ENGAGEMENT QUALITY OF ENGAGEMENT No existing relationship Relationship established, but much work to be done to improve quality of relationship Relationship established, valuegenerating connection, but with some room for improvement Good-quality, mutually beneficial relationship, with some room for improvement Strong relationship of mutual benefit Regularly R Quarterly Q Annually A As and When Required AWR Quality of Engagement Why We Engage Key Concerns Our Response How We Measure Value By engaging with our customers, we strive to strengthen their understanding of our products, solutions and strategies. This builds loyalty, drives repeat business and empowers us to attain our long-term value creation goals. • Product and service quality • Customer service and support • Data privacy and security • Ethical and sustainable practices • Innovation and product development • Operational efficiency • Business resilience • Maintaining dedicated support channels and customer feedback mechanisms • Consistently enhancing our operational processes, especially in service and product delivery • Introducing quality control measures and rigorous testing processes to ensure the safety and reliability of products and services • Investing in research and development to drive product innovation and meet evolving customer needs • Instituting encryption protocols and data protection policies • Providing regular updates on our latest business developments • Customer satisfaction scores achieved during annual surveys • Obtaining feedback from customers • Tracking customer complaints • Number of returning customers How We Engage • Customer feedback surveys A • Customer support channels (e.g. our careline, mobile app and live chat) R • DNeXPost newsletters R • Business meetings R Capitals: UN SDGs: Material Matters: CUSTOMERS M12 M7 M9 M10 M11 Integrated Report 2023 41