Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

Stakeholders Trade-Offs Outcomes UN SDGs ...VALUE FOR OUR STAKEHOLDERS. MISSION We are vibrant talents who are committed to deliver business innovation that creates value for stakeholders. OUR VALUES DRIVEN RESPONSIBLE ADAPTABLE ETHICAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL Net Asset Per Share: RM0.69 (2022 : RM0.74) Share Price: RM0.400 (2022 : RM0.790) Retained Earnings: RM643.86 million (2022 : RM763.09 million) Total Assets: RM4,641.89 million (2022 : RM4,625.63 million) INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL Advancement into advanced technology domains including Silicon Photonics, Biophotonics, Micro-electromechanical System (“MEMS”) on CMOS, Galium Nitride (“GaN”) BCD, and Discrete Power - sometimes known as “More-Than-Moore” technologies Progress in the development of Avalon greenfield assets Expansion of the existing trade ecosystem through new services such as eCert and Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin HUMAN CAPITAL Cash Payments to Employees & Other Expenses: RM260.42 million (2022: RM223.24 million) MANUFACTURED CAPITAL Investment in IT infrastructure: RM9.06 million (2022: RM1.72 million) Capital Expenditure: RM809.18 million (2022: RM270.43 million) SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL Direct and Indirect Tax and Zakat Contributions: RM90.45 million (2022: RM47.68 million) Paid to Suppliers/Vendors: RM1,062.40 million (2022: RM811.15 million) NATURAL CAPITAL Established the baseline of the Group’s Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions Our ongoing expansion efforts will place pressure on our Financial Capital through capex spending but will empower long-term gains to our Manufactured and Social & Relationship Capitals. We are actively expanding our existing IT capabilities into new sectors, leveraging our Human Capital and driving gains in Intellectual Capital that will serve our long-term transformation objectives. Achieving our sustainability goals will require consistent, focused efforts in upskilling our workforce (Human Capital), decarbonising our production processes (Natural Capital) and building our network of strategic partnerships (Social & Relationship Capital). The strength of our Human Capital depends on our ability to attract and retain top talent, which is affected by our financial strength (Financial Capital), the opportunities we can provide in global sectors and markets (Intellectual Capital) and our leadership in ESG (Natural Capital). We operate in fast-evolving markets, and retaining the competitiveness of our manufacturing and technological capabilities will require consistent financial investment (Financial Capital) and employee upskilling (Human Capital). Through our commitment to and action on community development and environmental protection, we strive to burnish our reputation as a responsible organisation, opening the door to global growth opportunities that enhance our Financial Capital. FINANCIAL C Net Asset Per Shar Share Price: RM0.4 Retained Earnings: Total Assets: RM4,6 INT Advanc domai Biopho (“MEM and Di “MoreProgre greenf Expans throug Non-P SOC Direct an RM90.45 Paid to S (2022: R NATURA Established th Scope 2 GHG Outputs Value creation Value preservation Value erosion Note: The Company had changed its financial period end from 30 June to 31 December. Consequently, the comparative figures for the statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, statements of changes in equity, statements of cash flows and their related notes are not comparable to that for the current 18-month period ended 31 December 2023. TECHNOLOGY • Investing in emerging technologies such as MEMS and Silicon Photonics ENERGY • Lifted volume 1,126,479 bbls ENERGY - Upstream Exploration & Production - Equipment Supply and Maintenance INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY • Exchange of Trade Data Electronically • Digitalisation of Customer Processes