Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

OUR VALUE CREATING BUSINESS MODEL Inputs OUR CAPITALS ... ENABLE VALUE-ADDING ACTIVITIES THAT CREATE . . . VISION To be a leading multinational corporation that is trusted for its world-class services and expertise. FINANCIAL CAPITAL • Share Capital: RM1,017.40 million • Total Assets: RM4,641.89 million • Shareholders’ Equity: RM1,769.64 million • Total Borrowings: RM297.40 million INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL • Investment in R&D and emerging technologies • Deep experience in low cost oil and gas production • Leading provider of IT and Trade Facilitation solutions HUMAN CAPITAL • An experienced and diverse Leadership Team and a strong Board • An Innovative, Driven, Customer Centric, High Performance and Ethical Culture • Strong in Compliance and Governance MANUFACTURED CAPITAL • Market-Leading Innovative digital products, services and client value propositions • Omni-Channel Technology allowing seamless and multiple customer touch points SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL • Responsible Procurement from diverse supply chain with a focus on localisation • Focused and committed corporate social investment • Constructive Engagement with Government and regulators NATURAL CAPITAL • Utilisation of natural resources including water, energy, and other resources efficiently in operations MATERIAL MATTERS GHG Emissions M1 Product Quality & Safety M7 Workforce Management M5 Data Privacy & Security M11 Resource Management M3 Business Ethics M9 Energy Management M2 Community Relations M8 Employee Health & Safety M6 Supply Chain Management M12 Ecological Impact M4 Business Model Resilience M10 MARKET TRENDS Macroeconomic Environment Exchange Rate Fluctuation Geopolitical Development Volatile Oil Prices Workforce Challenges Environmental Stewardship STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Portfolio Diversification Financial Prudence Human Capital Development Customer Centricity Governance and Excellence SUPPORTED BY ROBUST GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Risk and Crisis Management uality usiness thics munity tions e Fluctuation g olitical ment KEY RI SK INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - Trade Facilitation - Technology Consulting and System Integration - Subsea TECHNOLOGY - Semiconductor CONDUCT • STRATEGIC • FINANCIAL • OPERATIONAL • IT • MARKET BUSINESS ACTIVITIES SUSTAINABILITY PILLARS ECONOMIC: Ensuring business sustainability ENVIRONMENT: Ensuring no harm to our people and environment SOCIAL: Nurturing people and developing talent