Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

ASSESSING OUR CONTEXT IDENTIFYING & PRIORITISING OUR MATERIAL ISSUES EVALUATING OUR BUSINESS LANDSCAPE IDENTIFYING OUR MATERIAL MATTERS We continuously monitor our operating environment across the geopolitical, macroeconomic and industry dimensions to identify and analyse key trends and factors that may affect our business. Our material matters are defined as the issues that may over the short, medium or long term impact our ability to create value and achieve our strategic objectives. To proactively identify these issues, we undertake detailed materiality assessments on a regular basis, within which we canvass the feedback of our internal and external stakeholders on shortlisted issues. This leads to the creation of a finalised list of material matters, as detailed below. 56 See page 54 See page GHG Emissions M1 Workforce Management M5 Resource Management M3 Energy Management M2 Employee Health & Safety M6 Ecological Impact M4 Product Quality & Safety M7 Business Ethics M9 Community Relations M8 Business Model Resilience M10 Supply Chain Management M12 Data Privacy & Security M11 40 See page ENGAGING WITH OUR STAKEHOLDERS We engage with our stakeholders to understand their evolving needs and communicate our business priorities. Aided by transparent, two-way communication, we can develop strategies and approaches that deliver sustainable, shared value. Key Stakeholders: Using our key trends as a basis, we identify specific risks and opportunities that are relevant to our business. All risks are subjected to our comprehensive risk management processes, which aim to mitigate potential negative impacts. Key Risks: 61 See page IDENTIFYING KEY RISKS & OPPORTUNITIES Business Partners and Suppliers Media Society and Communities Government and Regulators Employees Customers Shareholders and Investment Community Availability of Financial Resources Environmental, Social and Governance Cybersecurity & Data Privacy Global Geopolitical Stability Human Capital Attraction & Retention Value Creation at DNeX DAGANG NeXCHANGE BERHAD 36 OUR APPROACH TO VALUE CREATION