Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

Total Number of Issued Shares : 3,156,331,324 Class of Shares : Ordinary Shares Voting Rights : One vote per share DISTRIBUTION OF SHAREHOLDINGS Size of Shareholdings No. of Shareholders No. of Shares % Less than 100 782 10,565 0.00 100 to 1,000 6,924 4,999,387 0.16 1,001 to 10,000 18,638 101,190,839 3.21 10,001 to 100,000 14,002 494,440,856 15.66 100,001 to less than 5% of issued shares 2,874 2,196,689,677 69.60 5% and above of issued shares 1 359,000,000 11.37 TOTAL 43,221 3,156,331,324 100.00 DIRECTORS’ SHAREHOLDINGS No. Name Direct Interest Indirect Interest No. of Shares % No. of Shares % 1. Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Haji Syed Zainal Abidin bin Syed Mohamed Tahir – – – – 2. Tan Sri Acryl Sani bin Haji Abdullah Sani 375,000 0.01 – – 3. Datuk Johar bin Che Mat 319,550 0.01 – – 4. Dato’ Robert Fisher – – – – 5. Dr. Chen, Wei-Ming – – – – 6. Tun Noor Shahya bt Tun Abdul Razak – – – – 7. Chandramohan Subramaniam – – – – 8. Zalina binti Shaher – – – – 9. Muhammad Saifullah bin Mohd Isa – – – – 10. Mohd Isa bin Ismail 50,000 0.00 455,000,000(1) 14.42 Notes: (1) Deemed interest by virtue of his shareholdings in Annedjma Capital Sdn Bhd and Arcadia Acres Sdn Bhd pursuant to Section 8 of the Act. SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS’ SHAREHOLDINGS No. Name Direct Interest Indirect Interest No. of Shares % No. of Shares % 1. Mohd Isa bin Ismail 50,000 0.00 455,000,000(1) 14.42 2. Annedjma Capital Sdn Bhd 96,000,000 3.04 359,000,000(2) 11.37 3. Arcadia Acres Sdn Bhd 359,000,000 11.37 – – Notes: (1) Deemed interest by virtue of his shareholdings in Annedjma Capital Sdn Bhd and Arcadia Acres Sdn Bhd pursuant to Section 8 of the Act. (2) Deemed interest by virtue of their shareholdings in Arcadia Acres Sdn Bhd pursuant to Section 8 of the Act. ANALYSIS OF SHAREHOLDINGS AS AT 1 APRIL 2024 Integrated Report 2023 313