Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

38. SIGNIFICANT EVENTS DURING THE FINANCIAL PERIOD (CONTINUED) Significant events during the financial period are as follows:- (continued) (c) Material litigation between Dagang NeXchange Berhad, DNeX Semiconductor Sdn. Bhd., Mimastronics Technologies Company Limited and Tethystronics Technologies Company Limited (continued) iii. Commencement of Arbitration by TTCL against DNeX Semi and Silterra (continued) (b) Relief and Remedy sought by TTCL Thus, TTCL demands that the Disputes be referred to arbitration pursuant to the AIAC Rules. 1. An order that DNeX Semi and Silterra (or any of them) take the necessary steps to comply with their obligations under the SHA. 2. A declaration that Appointment MWR is illegal, invalid, null, void and/or unenforceable (“Disputed Appointments”). 3. A declaration that the Disputed Appointments are illegal, invalid, null, void and/or unenforceable. 4. An order that DNeX Semi and Silterra (or any of them) restore the composition of the board of directors of Silterra to the composition prior to the Appointment MWR, and that Silterra take steps to remove the Impugned Directors from Silterra’s register of its directors, managers and secretaries. 5. A declaration that the Directors’ Written Resolution (“DWR”) on 21 November 2022 to rescind an earlier validly passed resolution of Silterra’s Board dated 17 November 2022 and any DWR passed with the votes of Impugned Directors are illegal, invalid, null, void and/or unenforceable. 6. An order that DNeX Semi and Silterra (or any of them) take steps to rescind the Recission DWR and any other DWR passed with the votes of the Impugned Directors. 7. An injunction against DNeX Semi and Silterra (or any of them), their servants and/or agents restraining them from acting upon or giving effect to Appointment MWR or any resolution for the appointment of Impugned Directors. 8. An injunction against DNeX Semi and Silterra (or any of them), their servants and/or agents restraining them from acting upon or giving effect to the Rescission DWR. 9. An injunction against DNeX Semi and Silterra (or any of them), their servants and/or agents restraining them from acting upon or giving effect to any DWR passed with the votes of the Impugned Directors or to take steps to propose or pass any DWR that is dependent on the votes of the Impugned Directors. 10. An injunction against DNeX Semi and Silterra (or any of them), their servants and/or agents restraining them from representing to anyone or holding out the Impugned Directors as the Directors of Silterra, or permitting the Impugned Directors as the Directors of Silterra, or permitting the Impugned Directors or any of them to hold themselves out as the Directors of Silterra. 11. An order for DNeX Semi to indemnify TTCL for all loss and damage suffered, the amount of which is to be assessed. 12. Damages to be assessed. 13. Interest. 14. Costs. 15. Such further orders deemed appropriate by the Tribunal. Financial Statements DAGANG NeXCHANGE BERHAD 304 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS