Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

Product Quality and Safety M7 Business Ethics M9 Community Relations M8 Business Model Resilience M10 Data Privacy and Security M11 Supply Chain Management M12 Our Key Stakeholders Our Key Risks Society and Communities Customers Employees Shareholders and Investment Community Government and Regulators Business Partners and Suppliers Media Availability of Financial Resources Environmental, Social and Governance Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Global Geopolitical Stability Human Capital Attraction and Retention PRIORITISED UN SDGs This report aligns with the following UN SDGs as part of our commitment to sustainable development and creating positive social, environmental and economic impacts: COMBINED ASSURANCE STATEMENT We employ a coordinated assurance model to assess and assure various aspects of the business operations including elements of external reporting. These assurances are provided by the Management and the Board, Internal Audit and independent external service providers. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This report includes forward-looking statements and forecasts concerning our future performance, prospects and business strategies. These are based on current expectations and reasonable assumptions, which are subject to change due to various factors beyond our control. Consequently, actual results may differ materially from those anticipated in these statements. We caution readers against placing undue reliance as they inherently involve uncertainties and contingencies. MATERIALITY The key topics disclosed in this Report are determined via an established, three-step materiality determination process, whereby the input of internal and external stakeholders is considered, leading to the formulation of material matters, which are defined as issues that impact our performance as a business and the assessments of our business by our stakeholders. These material matters, and our actions therein, are presented and consistently referenced throughout this Report. FEEDBACK We value your input and strive to continuously improve our reporting practices. Feedback on this Report can be emailed to communications@dnex.com.my. BOARD RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT The Board acknowledges its responsibility of ensuring the integrity of this Report which, in its opinion, provides a fair and balanced account of the Group’s performance during FY2023. The Board further certifies that this Report has been prepared in accordance with Bursa Malaysia’s MMLR. This Report was approved by the Board of Directors on 30 April 2024, and signed on its behalf by: Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Haji Syed Zainal Abidin Bin Syed Mohamed Tahir Executive Chairman Azhar Bin Othman Group Chief Operating Officer