Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

34. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (CONTINUED) 34.5 Liquidity risk (continued) Maturity analysis The table below summarises the maturity profile of the Group’s and the Company’s financial liabilities as at the end of the reporting period based on undiscounted contractual payments: Carrying amount RM’000 Contractual interest rate % Contractual cash flows RM’000 Under 1 year RM’000 2 - 5 years RM’000 > 5 years RM’000 Group 31.12.2023 Non-derivative financial liabilities Trade and other payables 231,918 – 231,918 231,918 – – Long-term obligations and provisions 4,501 – 4,501 4,501 – – Loans and borrowings 297,403 2.75 – 12.00 299,344 284,218 14,730 396 Lease liabilities 3,036 2.93 – 12.00 3,268 1,775 1,493 – 536,858 539,031 522,412 16,223 396 30.6.2022 Non-derivative financial liabilities Trade and other payables 286,171 – 286,171 286,171 – – Long-term obligations and provisions 7,320 – 7,320 7,320 – – Loans and borrowings 319,359 2.75 – 12.00 374,743 114,792 255,848 4,103 Lease liabilities 753 2.93 – 19.53 782 705 77 – 613,603 669,016 408,988 255,925 4,103 Company 31.12.2023 Non-derivative financial liabilities Trade and other payables 3,457 – 3,457 3,457 – – Amount due to subsidiaries 3,635 – 3,635 3,635 – – Loans and borrowings 50,000 5.95 50,000 50,000 – – 57,092 57,092 57,092 – – 30.6.2022 Non-derivative financial liabilities Trade and other payables 4,370 – 4,370 4,370 – – Amount due to subsidiaries 2,202 – 2,202 2,202 – – Loans and borrowings 23,000 4.75 – 5.00 23,000 23,000 – – 29,572 29,572 29,572 – – Integrated Report 2023 289