Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

33. OPERATING SEGMENTS (CONTINUED) Business segment 1.7.2022 to 30.6.2022 Information Technology RM’000 Energy RM’000 Technology RM’000 Corporate RM’000 Eliminations RM’000 Consolidated RM’000 Segment result Profit/(Loss) from operations 35,753 149,451 490,981 (784) (19,050) 656,351 Finance costs (8,828) (67,075) (9,196) (1,096) 35,978 (50,217) Finance income 343 491 2,883 15,104 (11,965) 6,856 Profit before tax 27,268 82,867 484,668 13,224 4,963 612,990 Zakat (638) Tax credit 94,922 Net profit after tax 707,274 Attributable to: Owners of the Company 549,587 Non-controlling interests 157,687 Profit for the year 707,274 Segment assets 269,818 2,184,558 2,033,592 137,662 – 4,625,630 Segment liabilities 87,377 1,272,491 909,374 27,370 – 2,296,612 Capital expenditure 40,751 158,049 71,288 338 – 270,426 Depreciation and amortisation 9,573 59,983 51,640 95 – 121,291 Impairment loss: – investment in an associate 96 – – – – 96 – trade, other receivables and contract assets 13,136 (2,372) (1,071) (187) – 9,506 Intangible assets written off – 328 – – – 328 Loss on derecognition of a subsidiary 117 – – – – 117 Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment – (1) – – – (1) Bargain purchase gain from business combination – – (264,508) – – (264,508) Integrated Report 2023 277