Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

14. AMOUNTS DUE FROM/(TO) SUBSIDIARIES The amounts due from/(to) subsidiaries consist of the following: Company 31.12.2023 RM’000 30.6.2022 RM’000 Amount due from subsidiaries Non-trade 632,418 572,246 Less: Impairment loss (28,782) (28,356) 603,636 543,890 Allowance for impairment losses:- At 1 July 28,356 27,492 Addition during the period/year 426 864 At 31 December/30 June 28,782 28,356 Amount due to subsidiaries Non-trade (3,635) (2,202) The non-trade balances represent payments made on behalf of subsidiaries and advances from subsidiaries which are unsecured and interest-free. Certain inter-company advances bore interest at 4% (30.6.2022: 4%) per annum with no fixed repayment terms. Integrated Report 2023 251