Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

7. INVESTMENTS IN SUBSIDIARIES (CONTINUED) Summarised financial information before intra-group elimination (continued) Genaxis Group Sdn. Bhd. Innovation Associates Consulting Sdn. Bhd. PT Dagang Net Indonesia 1.7.2022 to 31.12.2023 RM’000 1.7.2021 to 30.6.2022 RM’000 1.7.2022 to 31.12.2023 RM’000 1.7.2021 to 30.6.2022 RM’000 1.7.2022 to 31.12.2023 RM’000 1.7.2021 to 30.6.2022 RM’000 As at 31 December/30 June Non-current assets 21,688 21,714 1,656 531 421 166 Current assets 3,505 3,549 21,420 37,904 1,258 1,558 Non-current liabilities – – (619) – (265) – Current liabilities (43,832) (40,512) (51,736) (49,159) (997) (271) Net (liabilities)/assets (18,639) (15,249) (29,279) (10,724) 417 1,453 Period/Year ended 31 December/30 June Revenue – 72 46,388 43,127 – – (Loss)/Profit for the period/year (3,391) (2,627) (18,554) 912 (946) (341) Total comprehensive (loss)/income (3,391) (2,627) (18,544) 912 (1,036) (357) Net cash flows (used in)/generated from operating activities (371) (513) 5,512 (3,340) (426) (282) Net cash flows generated from/(used in) investing activities 63 – (6,679) (2,319) (7) (56) Net cash flows generated from financing activities 340 217 9,000 4,619 438 335 Integrated Report 2023 241