Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED) (p) Revenue and other income (continued) (i) Revenue (continued) (c) Rendering of services Contracts from services that comprises multiple deliverables represents a combined output for which the customer has contracted for that are substantially the same and that have the same pattern of transfer to the customer and are therefore recognised as a single performance obligation. The Group recognises revenue from the rendering of services over time, using an output method determined by surveys of works performed to measure progress towards complete satisfaction of the services. Revenue from provision of semiconductor–related consulting services and training is recognised over time as and when the services are performed using the milestones reached method. Otherwise, revenue from rendering of services is recognised at a point in time upon performance of services, such services include the services rendered from National Single Window and its related contracts. (d) Sale of customised equipment Revenue from sale of customised equipment is recognised at a point in time in the period in which the customer accepts the delivery of the goods. Contracts that bundle the design, sale and installation of customised equipment are recognised as a single performance obligation as the design and installation includes significant integration services. Revenue is recognised progressively in proportion to the stage of completion determined by reference to technical milestones. (e) Subscriptions Subscription fees are recognised over the period that access to the required services is being provided. (f) Rental of equipment Rental of equipment is recognised in profit or loss on a straight–line basis over the term of the lease. Financial Statements DAGANG NeXCHANGE BERHAD 222 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS