Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

Company Note Attributable to owners of the Company Non-distributable Share capital RM’000 Warrant reserve RM’000 Share option reserve RM’000 Accumulated losses RM’000 Total equity RM’000 At 1 July 2021 785,437 3,001 2,143 (178,613) 611,968 Profit for the year – – – 6,879 6,879 Total comprehensive income for the year – – – 6,879 6,879 Contributions by and distributions to owners of the Company Issuance of shares – Effect of conversion of Warrant 185,938 (2,928) – – 183,010 – Warrant lapsed – (73) – 73 – – Share options exercised 1,076 – (342) – 734 – Share options forfeited – – (41) 41 – – Effect of issuance of Private Placement 44,868 – – – 44,868 231,882 (3,001) (383) 114 228,612 Dividend to owners of the Company 30 – – – (18,934) (18,934) Share options expenses – – 9,679 – 9,679 Total transactions with owners of the Company 231,882 (3,001) 9,296 (18,820) 219,357 At 30 June 2022 1,017,319 – 11,439 (190,554) 838,204 Note 16 Note 16 Note 16 The notes on pages 198 to 305 are an integral part of these financial statements. Integrated Report 2023 193