Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

Group Note Attributable to owners of the Company Non- controlling interests RM’000 Total equity RM’000 Share capital RM’000 Non-distributable Distributable Total RM’000 Warrant reserve RM’000 Share option reserve RM’000 Translation reserve RM’000 Fair value reserve RM’000 Retained earnings RM’000 At 1 July 2021 785,437 3,001 2,143 (311) (734) 233,400 1,022,936 30,551 1,053,487 Profit for the year – – – – – 549,587 549,587 157,687 707,274 Foreign currency translation differences – – – 63,362 – – 63,362 – 63,362 Total comprehensive income for the period – – – 63,362 – 549,587 612,949 157,687 770,636 Contributions by and distributions to owners of the Company Issuance of shares – Effect of conversion of Warrant 185,938 (2,928) – – – – 183,010 – 183,010 – Warrant lapsed – (73) – – – 73 – – – – Share options exercised 1,076 – (342) – – – 734 – 734 – Share options forfeited – – (41) – – 41 – – – – Effect of issuance of Private Placement 44,868 – – – – – 44,868 – 44,868 231,882 (3,001) (383) – – 114 228,612 – 228,612 Dividend to owners of the Company 30 – – – – – (18,934) (18,934) – (18,934) Share options expenses – – 9,679 – – – 9,679 – 9,679 Changes in subsidiaries’ ownership interests that does not result in loss of control – – – – – (438) (438) 438 – Realisation of exchange translation reserve – – – 4 – (4) – – – Realisation of fair value reserve – – – – 734 (734) – – – Total transactions with owners of the Company 231,882 (3,001) 9,296 4 734 (19,996) 218,919 438 219,357 Acquisition of subsidiaries 31 – – – – – – – 285,538 285,538 Derecognition of a subsidiary – – – – – 95 95 (95) – At 30 June 2022 1,017,319 – 11,439 63,055 – 763,086 1,854,899 474,119 2,329,018 Note 16 Note 16 Note 16 Note 16 Note 16 Note 17 The notes on pages 198 to 305 are an integral part of these financial statements. Integrated Report 2023 191 STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE PERIOD FROM 1 JULY 2022 TO 31 DECEMBER 2023