Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

Integrated Report 2023 175 SEGMENT KEY INTERNAL CONTROL ELEMENTS External Audit DNeX Group also receives an audit report and management letter from external auditors who conduct annual statutory audits on the financial statements. Areas for improvements and reservations arising from the interim and final audits and any other matters the external auditors may wish to discuss (in the absence of the Management where necessary) during the course of the statutory audit by the external auditors are brought to the attention of the Audit Committee and Board accordingly. Communication and Feedback DNeX Group recognises the importance of timely dissemination of information and has been transparent and accountable to shareholders, stakeholders and the general public. The Board is committed to ensure that the shareholders and investors are well informed of major developments of DNeX Group through various disclosures and announcement to Bursa Securities including quarterly results, press releases to the media and online investor relations on the company’s website and social media platforms. All feedbacks are regularly collated and analysed with appropriate follow up action by the Group Corporate Communications and Sustainability department who acts as the point of contact to respond for DNeX Group. The Group Corporate Communications and Sustainability department also functions as an employee communication channel, to keep employees across DNeX Group informed and engaged on corporate developments and internal activities. This is achieved through internal digital platform and physical engagements through quarterly Townhall sessions. REVIEW OF STATEMENT ON RISK MANAGEMENT AND INTERNAL CONTROL BY EXTERNAL AUDITORS In accordance with Paragraph 15.23 of the MMLR, the external auditors have reviewed this Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control for inclusion in this Integrated Report and had reported to the Board that nothing has come to their attention that causes them to believe that the statement is inconsistent with their understanding of the process adopted by the Board in reviewing the adequacy and integrity of the system of internal control. MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT The Board received assurance from the Executive Chairman and DNeX Group Chief Operating Officer that to the best of their knowledge, DNeX Group’s risk management and internal control system is sound and effective, providing reasonable assurance that the structure and operation of controls are appropriate for DNeX Group’s operations. The Board will continue to monitor all major risks affecting DNeX Group and take necessary measures to mitigate them and continue to enhance the adequacy and effectiveness of the risk management and internal control systems of DNeX Group. This statement is made in accordance with a circular resolution of the Board dated 30 April 2024.