Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

Integrated Report 2023 173 SEGMENT KEY INTERNAL CONTROL ELEMENTS Whistleblowing Framework and Policy The Whistleblowing Framework and Policy aims to provide a structured mechanism for DNeX Group’s employees and any reporting parties to raise or report any suspected or known misconduct. The Whistleblowing Framework and Policy is administered by a Whistleblowing Committee and disclosure via a Whistleblower Report Form can be made to the established channel. Consistent with the need to conduct adequate investigation, the whistleblower’s identity and report will be treated by DNeX Group as confidential to the highest extent possible. Group Human Resource, Risk and Business Process Department and Management Information System departments have carried out several internal awareness campaigns in relation to the Code of Conduct, ABAC, Whistleblowing as well as Information Technology Security Awareness Training to inculcate a stronger focus on DNeX Group’s core values and the compliance culture that need to be observed by all employees. Investment Framework and Policy The establishment of the Investment Framework and Policy on 8 October 2021 is to standardise and tighten DNeX Group’s processes and procedures in assessing potential investment opportunities and to reduce the risk of investing in unsuccessful ventures or companies. Further, the Policy is also intended to ensure that proper check and review by the relevant departments have been undertaken, to ensure the investments meet DNeX Group’s quantitative and qualitative requirements. The Investment Framework and Policy also looks to ensure post investment and/or acquisition monitoring are being done by the relevant departments. This is to make certain that the targets and commitments made with regards to the investment and acquisition are properly tracked, monitored, and updated to the Board. Where there is a material divergence in the actual results against what was committed, the proposer of the transaction will have to make the necessary updates and where necessary, implement actions to mitigate or improve the performance to ensure the commitments made can be met. Code of Conduct and Ethics for Directors The establishment of the policy on 27 May 2022 is to provide the fundamental guiding principles and standards applicable to the Board of DNeX Group. The Directors acknowledge that they must exercise judgment in applying the principles embodied in the Code of Conduct and Ethics to any particular situation. The Code of Conduct and Ethics should be read in conjunction with the existing framework of all relevant laws and regulations as well as the directives and policies of the DNeX Group including any relevant best practices or standards in corporate governance and provisions of the constitutions of companies within the DNeX Group. Directors’ Fit and Proper Policy The establishment of the policy on 27 May 2022 serves to guide the Nomination and Remuneration Committee (“NRC”) and the Board in the review and assessment of candidates that are to be appointed on to the Board as well as Directors who are seeking for re-election. This policy is firmly aligned with the achievement of the Company’s business objectives, values and principles. DNeX Guidelines on Directors’ Fee for Subsidiary Companies The establishment of the guidelines on 8 October 2021 provides the guidelines in relation to payment of fees to a person who serves as a member of the Board or Board Committee (where applicable) of subsidiary companies within DNeX Group.