Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

2. Communication with Stakeholders The Board believes that stakeholders’ communication is an essential requirement of DNeX Group’s sustainability. In view thereof, stakeholders are informed of all material business events and risks of DNeX Group in a factual, timely and widely available manner. The Board has formalised a Corporate Disclosure Policy and Procedure not only to comply with the discourse requirements as stipulated in the MMLR of Bursa Securities, but also sets out the persons authorised and responsible to approve and disclose material information to all stakeholders. The Board recognises the importance of facilitating effective two-way communication with investors and analysts to provide a greater understanding of DNeX Group’s vision, strategies, developments and financial prospects. A variety of engagement initiatives including direct meetings and dialogues with stakeholders are constantly conducted to enhance mutual understanding. DNeX Group’s financial performance, major corporate developments and other relevant information are promptly disseminated to shareholders and investors via announcements of its quarterly results, integrated report, corporate announcements to Bursa Securities and press conferences. It is DNeX Group’s practice that any material information for public announcement, including annual and quarterly financial statements, press releases, and presentations to investors, analysts and media are factual and reviewed internally before issuance to ensure accuracy and is expressed in a clear and objective manner. DNeX Group’s corporate website includes a dedicated Investor Relations section, which provides all relevant information on DNeX Group, including announcements to Bursa Securities, share price information, as well as the corporate and governance structure of DNeX Group. Stakeholders are also able to subscribe to e-mail alerts from DNeX Group via the Investor Relations page. Integrated Report 2023 163