Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

The Board acknowledges its responsibility for maintaining a sound system of internal control which provides reasonable assurance in ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of DNeX Group’s operations and to safeguard shareholders’ investment and its assets and interests in compliance with the relevant law and regulations as well as DNeX Group’s internal financial administration procedures and guidelines. DNeX Group has established an Internal Audit Department, which reports directly to the AC as specified in the Terms of Reference of the AC. Internal auditors perform their function in accordance with the annual internal audit plan approved by the AC. The Internal Audit Department has three (3) audit personnel assisting the person responsible for the internal audit. Details on the person responsible for the internal audit are as set out below: Name : Izham Syah bin Mahrome Qualification : Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, the Institute of Internal Auditors, Malaysia and the Malaysian Institute of Accountants. Independence : Does not have any family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the Company Public Sanction or penalty : Has no convictions for any offences within the past 5 years, other than traffic offences, if any and has not been imposed any public sanction or penalty by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial period. Further information may be found in the Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control of this Integrated Report. PRINCIPLE C: INTEGRITY IN CORPORATE REPORTING AND MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIP WITH STAKEHOLDERS 1. Conduct of General Meetings The AGM is the principal platform of communication with shareholders of the Company. The Integrated Report together with the Notice of AGM is sent to registered shareholders within the prescribed period as allowed under the Company’s Constitution and the MMLR of Bursa Securities as the case may be. In accordance with the MMLR of Bursa Securities, the Company has implemented and will continue to implement poll voting for all proposed resolutions set out in the notice of any general meeting. An independent scrutineer will be appointed to validate the votes cast at any general meeting of the Company. The 52nd AGM was conducted fully virtual, and the notice was issued to shareholders at least twenty-eight (28) days before the 52nd AGM to provide sufficient time for shareholders to consider the resolutions that would be discussed and decided at the 52nd AGM. During the 52nd AGM, the Chairman informed shareholders, corporate representatives and proxies who were present of their right to participate (including posing questions to the Board) and vote on the resolutions set out in the notice of the 52nd AGM. The external auditors are invited to the meeting to provide their professional and independent views to shareholders if required. While members of the media are not invited into the AGM meeting hall, a media conference is usually held immediately after the AGM where the Chairman, Group Managing Director and Executive Directors update media representatives on the resolutions passed and answer questions on matters related to DNeX Group. This approach provides the Company with a more efficient way to address the stakeholders of the Company. Our Governance DAGANG NeXCHANGE BERHAD 162 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT