Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

Details of the composition, meetings convened, and the attendance of each ESOS Committee member at the ESOS Committee meetings held during the financial period ended 31 December 2023 are as follows: Name Designation Directorate Number of meetings attended Datuk Johar bin Che Mat Chairman Senior Independent Non-Executive Director 1/1 Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Haji Syed Zainal Abidin bin Syed Mohamed Tahir Member Executive Chairman 1/1 Hani Jazmine Goh binti Abdullah [1] Member Group Chief People Officer 1/1 Azhar bin Othman [2] Member Group Chief Operating Officer N/A Tan Sri Abd Rahman bin Mamat [3] Member Independent Non-Executive Director N/A Mohd Azhar bin Mohd Yusof [4] Member Executive Director N/A Notes: [1] Resigned as member of the ESOS Committee with effect from 31 May 2023. [2] Appointed as member of the ESOS Committee with effect from 22 March 2023. [3] Resigned as member of the ESOS Committee with effect from 6 December 2022. [4] Resigned as member of the ESOS Committee with effect from 15 August 2022. The ESOS Committee meets as and when required. One (1) meeting, attended by all its members, was held during the financial period ended 31 December 2023. 3.5 WBC The WBC Committee was established for its employees and any parties to raise, or report suspected and/or known misconduct, wrongdoings, corruption and instances of fraud, waste, and/ or abuse involving the resources of DNeX Group. Details of the composition, meetings convened, and the attendance of each WBC member at the WBC meetings held during the financial period ended 31 December 2023 are as follows: Name Designation Directorate Number of meetings attended Tun Noor Shahya bt Tun Abdul Razak Chairman Independent Non-Executive Director 2/2 Datuk Johar bin Che Mat Member Senior Independent Non-Executive Director 2/2 Muhammad Radhi bin Azizan [1] Member Non-Independent Non-Executive Director 1/1 Tan Sri Acryl Sani bin Haji Abdullah Sani [2] Member Independent Non-Executive Director and Deputy Chairman N/A Notes: [1] Resigned as member of the WBC Committee with effect from 18 March 2024. [2] Appointed as member of the WBC Committee with effect from 1 September 2023. The WBC meets as and when required and met twice during the financial period ended 31 December 2023. Integrated Report 2023 157