Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

The Whistleblowing Policy is published on the Company’s corporate website at www.dnex.com. my and a whistleblower can either email a Whistleblower Report Form at whistle@dnex.com. my or mark the form “Private and Confidential” and mail it to the Chairman of the Whistleblowing Committee. The mailbox is administered by the Head of Risk and Business Process Management Department and overseen by the Chairman of the Whistleblowing Committee. 1.4 Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Framework and Policy (“ABAC”) DNeX Group is committed to the development and establishment of framework, policies and procedures guiding the conduct of our businesses with honesty, fairness and high ethical standards and not allowing certain types of behaviour contrary to commercial integrity, which would put the Group’s reputation at risk. Thus, DNeX Group has established the ABAC that defines the main guidelines for the detection and prevention of fraudulent behaviours. DNeX Group prohibits any type of corruption and bribery such as promising, offering, giving, or accepting any incentive or advantage of any nature, directly or indirectly, in order to influence any type of decision that may result in an undue benefit to DNeX Group. The objectives of the ABAC are: All Directors (executive and non-executive), employees and all vendors or agents, customers, business partners, public officials and others who are performing work or services for and on behalf of DNeX Group shall comply with the rules and guidelines described in the ABAC and must avoid any behaviour, situation or activity that would breach them. 1.5 Strategies Promoting Sustainability Sustainability has long been a key driving force in DNeX Group’s corporate agenda ever since the emergence of corporate responsibility in the early 2000s. It is the foundation of DNeX Group’s commitment as a responsible corporate citizen in ensuring the sustainable growth of its profits (a commitment to its shareholders), the sustenance of the planet (a commitment to the environment and community), and the sustainable development of its people (a commitment to nurture DNeX’s talented employees and those within the community it operates). The details of DNeX Group’s sustainability activities including its corporate social responsibility activities are set out on in the Integrated Report. 1.6 Access to Information and Advice The Board members are supplied with the relevant information on a timely basis to enable them to effectively discharge their duties and responsibilities. Board papers were circulated to the Board members at least three (3) working days prior to the date of the meeting to facilitate the Directors to peruse the Board papers and to review the issues to be deliberated at the Board meeting. Where necessary, relevant senior management and personnel are invited to attend Board meetings to furnish details or clarifications on matters tabled for the Board’s consideration. Generally, the Board papers circulated would include minutes of the previous meeting, quarterly and annual financial statements, corporate developments, minutes of Board Committees’ meetings, acquisition and disposal proposals, related party transactions and/or recurrent related party transactions, updates from Bursa Securities, list of directors’ written resolutions passed and reports on the Directors dealings in securities, if any. In addition, the management is often invited to be present and provide detailed explanation on any agenda at Board meetings. To ensure the policies and guidelines/ practices are oriented towards embedding ABAC stance organisation wide, with guidance from Guideline on Adequate Procedures and requirements of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (“MACC”) Act 2009, introduced via Section 4 of the MACC (Amendment) Act 2018; To ensure adequate and standardised ABAC policies and guidelines are consistently applied throughout the DNeX Group by all staff; and To ensure that business operations within DNeX Group are strictly adhering to the ABAC. The ABAC is published on the Company’s corporate website www.dnex.com.my. Integrated Report 2023 147