Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

The Board of Directors collectively upholds the responsibility for ensuring the Company’s sustainable long-term performance, economic value, and growth. We strike a delicate balance between entrepreneurial leadership and vigilant oversight, with Independent Non-Executive Directors playing a crucial role in maintaining this equilibrium. Our adherence to the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (“MCCG”) serves as a guiding framework, ensuring that robust governance practices are embedded within our organisational culture. We prioritise accountability, integrity, and ethics, instilling these principles into the fabric of our corporate culture to foster responsible growth. Throughout the reviewed period, the Board and its Committees have remained steadfast in their commitment to corporate governance and internal control, ensuring transparency and accountability across all aspects of the organisation. Structured with a majority of Non-Executive Directors, the Board ensures a clear separation of executive and nonexecutive functions, facilitating effective decision-making and oversight. As Chairman, I collaborate closely with the Board to set strategic direction and ensure its implementation. We firmly believe that upholding the highest standards of corporate governance is imperative for delivering consistent performance and inspiring investor confidence. By integrating robust governance processes and culture, we safeguard the long-term interests of our shareholders and stakeholders alike. As a responsible corporate citizen, we recognise the importance of balancing economic performance with environmental and social considerations. Our commitment to sustainable development practices underscores our dedication to creating long-term value while addressing societal needs. Looking ahead, the Board remains committed in enhancing governance practices, strengthening oversight of sustainability risks and opportunities, and fostering meaningful engagement with stakeholders. In an era marked by geopolitical uncertainties and economic risks, governance, engagement, and collaboration have never been more vital. I am pleased to report that DNeX has complied with the relevant provisions of the Main Market Listing Requirements (“MMLR”) of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”), the Corporate Governance Guide – 3rd Edition issued by Bursa Securities and the Companies Act 2016. Characterised by rapid change and uncertainty, I am confident in our ability to adapt and drive sustainable growth. In the upcoming year, the Board will continue to provide guidance focused on resilience and agility, bolster collaboration with management, and further enhance our governance practices and processes. The Group is committed to adherence to the practices set out in the MCCG, and the Group’s adherence thereto is detailed in the Corporate Governance Report, which is available on our corporate website. I am pleased to report that DNeX has complied with the relevant provisions of the Main Market Listing Requirements (“MMLR”) of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”), the Corporate Governance Guide – 3rd Edition issued by Bursa Securities and the Companies Act 2016. The status and the Company’s application of the Practices of the MCCG are explained in the Corporate Governance Report which is available to the public on the Company’s corporate website at www.dnex.com.my. I am pleased to inform that we have substantially applied the Practices enumerated in the MCCG. TAN SRI DATO’ SRI HAJI SYED ZAINAL ABIDIN BIN SYED MOHAMED TAHIR Executive Chairman Integrated Report 2023 143