Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

SUSTAINABILITY BURSA PERFORMANCE Internal assurance External assurance No assurance (*)Restated Indicator Measurement Unit 2023 Bursa (Anti-corruption) Bursa C1(a) Percentage of employees who have received training on anti-corruption by employee category Top and Senior Management Percentage 100.00 Middle Management Percentage 45.00 Professional (Executive) Percentage 43.00 Non-Executive/Support Percentage 11.00 Bursa C1(b) Percentage of operations assessed for corruption-related risks Percentage 0.00 Bursa C1(c) Confirmed incidents of corruption and action taken Number 0 Bursa (Community/Society) Bursa C2(a) Total amount invested in the community where the target beneficiaries are external to the listed issuer MYR 309,067.41 Bursa C2(b) Total number of beneficiaries of the investment in communities Number 28 * Bursa (Diversity) Bursa C3(a) Percentage of employees by gender and age group, for each employee category Age Group by Employee Category Top and Senior Management 18-34 Percentage 0.00 Top and Senior Management 35-55 Percentage 68.00 Top and Senior Management 56-65 Percentage 32.00 * Middle Management 18-34 Percentage 3.00 Middle Management 35-55 Percentage 90.00 Middle Management 56-65 Percentage 7.00 Professional (Executive) 18-34 Percentage 52.00 Professional (Executive) 35-55 Percentage 47.00 * Professional (Executive) 56-65 Percentage 1.00 Non-Executive/Support 18-34 Percentage 55.00 Non-Executive/Support 35-55 Percentage 37.00 Non-Executive/Support 56-65 Percentage 8.00 Gender Group by Employee Category Top and Senior Management Male Percentage 83.00 Top and Senior Management Female Percentage 17.00 Middle Management Male Percentage 70.00 Middle Management Female Percentage 30.00 Professional (Executive) Male Percentage 58.00 Professional (Executive) Female Percentage 42.00 Non-Executive/Support Male Percentage 63.00 Non-Executive/Support Female Percentage 37.00 Bursa C3(b) Percentage of directors by gender and age group Male Percentage 80.00 Female Percentage 20.00 46-55 Percentage 10.00 56-65 Percentage 50.00 66-70 Percentage 30.00 Bursa (Energy management) Bursa C4(a) Total energy consumption Megawatt 201,736.60 Bursa (Health and safety) Bursa C5(a) Number of work-related fatalities Number 0 Bursa C5(b) Lost time incident rate ("LTIR") Rate 0.00 Bursa C5(c) Number of employees trained on health and safety standards Number 1,203 Sustainability Statement DAGANG NeXCHANGE BERHAD 140