Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

Each of these plans prescribes detailed actions to be taken in order to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from the impacts of business disruption events, thus empowering our entities to protect the interests of our key stakeholders and our reputation and brand value at all times. Specifically, our BCP outlines several possible scenarios which may negatively impact our operations or brand value and details how each scenario may be managed through appropriate training, awareness-building and testing activities. Tests are conducted periodically to ensure that the procedures outlined within the BCP are complete and workable, that resources at designated alternative sites are usable and ready, and that relevant personnel are competent and aware of their responsibilities. Guided by our comprehensive Enterprise Risk Management Framework (“ERM”), 29 key risks were identified as a potential disruption to DNeX Group business operations as at 31 December 2023. Each risk is reviewed on a quarterly basis to ensure alignment with the latest developments. BUSINESS MODEL RESILIENCE Why It Matters The COVID-19 pandemic and, more recently, the increasing frequency of extreme weather events has highlighted the need to enhance our resilience against changes to our operating environment. With the rate of change accelerating across the geopolitical, environmental and technological dimensions, having plans in place to respond to operational disruptions enables us to minimise the risk of adverse impacts to our operations, safeguarding our standing as a responsible and future-proof organisation. Our Approach In May 2022, the Board approved our Business Continuity Management (“BCM”) Framework and Policy, subsequently commencing a process to streamline our Group-wide BCM programme. The BCM Framework comprises our: • Disaster Recovery Plan (“DRP”) • Crisis Communication Management (“CCM”) Plan • Business Continuity Plan (“BCP”) • Emergency Response Plan (“ERP”) 139 Integrated Report 2023