Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

In addition, SilTerra and OGPC have achieved ISO450001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System certification, validating their adherence to international standards in the management of workplace safety and health issues.. Maintaining Strong Governance of OSH Issues At a practical level, our OSH Policy is governed by our Group Safety and Health Committee, which is responsible for ensuring its smooth implementation within each of our business units and identifying any issues or gaps that may impact our ability to uphold our standards. The committee sits at the head of a Group-wide structure that empowers all employees to raise any concerns pertaining to workplace health and safety. Should an employee wish to report a concern, he or she may speak to their business unit-level OSH representative, who will then duly elevate the concern to the committee with a view to implementing an appropriate measure to mitigate the immediate problem. Concurrently, efforts will be undertaken to develop a more comprehensive, long-term solution that would permanently rectify the issue. Delivering OSH Training and Awareness Programmes We provide our employees with a range of general and role-specific training programmes that educate them on the specific actions and behaviours required to safely operate equipment, identify OSH issues and respond to incidents that occur. The training programme provided to our floor marshalls empowers them to take the lead in the event of a workplace fire. The programme builds their awareness of the dangers of fires and outlines their roles and responsibilities in the event of an incident. It also details the correct practices to undertake in monitoring fire safety, using fire extinguishers, raising an alarm and putting out small fires. In addition, all employees working at our manufacturing facilities are availed of a one-day First Aid and CPR training course – certified by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (“DoSH”) – which enables them to become a qualified first aider. The course details actionable steps to assess injuries or illnesses and identify the correct treatment procedures to follow. As part of the course, employees also learn how to administer CPR, equipping them to take life-saving actions in the event of an emergency. Meanwhile, conscious of the specific health and safety challenges posed in the manufacturing of semiconductors, we have instituted mandatory OSH training for all new employees of SilTerra, with all new joiners required to post a minimum passing score on a corresponding test to be certified to carry out activities within our manufacturing facilities. With the aim of improving our OSH training and creating safer work environments for all, we consistently engage with our employees, encouraging them to highlight any blind spots in their knowledge or areas where they feel additional training would be of value. Carrying out HIRARC Assessments As our business processes evolve in line with new technologies, products and requirements, we strive to remain a step ahead of potential safety and health issues by conducting regular Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (“HIRARC”) assessments. This empowers us to identify workplace safety hazards and establish appropriate controls that minimise the danger of these hazards to employees. To drive continuous improvement, we review our HIRARC assessment procedures on an annual basis, expanding its remit to include any new potential hazards that arise during the year. Employee Training in Health and Safety In the year under review, 1,203 number of employees received training on safety standards. Workplace Injuries and Fatalities Lost-Time Incident Rate (“LTIR”) Work-Related Fatalities Fatal Accident Rate (“FAR”) Employees* Contractors Total 2021 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2022 2023 *Data covers our IT Business Unit 131 Integrated Report 2023