Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

Why It Matters Our employees are our greatest asset. Leveraging their collective skills and experience, we are empowered to drive innovation across our business, expand our presence across new markets and sectors, and deliver greater value for local communities and environments. To achieve these outcomes, it is vital that we provide our employees with competitive remuneration and benefits, drive their continuous professional development and consistently uphold fair and non-discriminatory practices. Failure to do so would negatively impact our ability to attract and retain quality talent, reducing organisational productivity and harming our long-term growth potential. This is particularly true within our Technology and Energy divisions, where specialised talent is in high demand. Our Approach Providing Competitive Remuneration and Benefits To drive employee attraction and retention, we offer competitive remuneration packages and a wide range of benefits to our permanent and non-permanent employees, including: In addition to these benefits, all employees benefit from contributions to the Employees Provident Fund (“EPF”), Social Security Organisation (“SOCSO”) and Employee Insurance System (“EIS”), as per legal requirements, with permanent employees who have been with us for more than two years receiving an increment in their EPF contribution. Our remuneration packages and benefits are regularly reviewed to ensure that they remain competitive within our respective industries and in line with increases to the cost of living. In addition, we exercise care in maintaining continuous compliance with all legal requirements pertaining to minimum wage and overtime pay in our countries of operation, including the Employment Act 1955 and Industrial Relations Act 1967 in Malaysia. Empowering Learning and Development To cultivate an ever learning and growing workforce, we maintain an extensive calendar of training programmes throughout the year. These programmes, which cover role-specific and general areas of competency, are developed based on an annual training needs analysis carried out by our Group Human Resources Department. They are delivered in formal settings (via online mediums) and via on-the-job course formats. WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT Annual Leave Medical Leave Hospitalisation Leave Compassionate Leave Maternity & Paternity Leave Marriage Leave Examination & Study Leave Hajj Leave (only for permanent staff) Outpatient Medical Treatment Personal Accident Insurance Hospitalisation & Surgical Insurance Term Life Insurance Leave Entitlement Health and Medical Benefits 121 Integrated Report 2023