Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

ENERGY MANAGEMENT Why It Matters Energy forms a key input in our operations and is a major source of our GHG emissions. By enhancing energy efficiency, reducing energy intensity and, where possible, transitioning to renewable energy sources, we can move closer to achieving net zero and reduce operational risks related to potential future increases in energy costs or energy supply shortages. Our Approach As a basis of our energy management efforts, we comprehensively track our energy consumption across all business premises and manufacturing facilities, enabling our teams to identify areas of wastage and implement purpose-fit strategies to optimise energy use. In future, we aim to extend our tracking to energy intensity to enable a more comprehensive understanding of our energy footprint. This endeavour is supported by ongoing efforts to inculcate energy-saving practices amongst our employees, with posters put up across our buildings to remind them to switch off the lights and other utilities after use. In addition, we consider energy use and efficiency when undertaking decisions related to building design or procurement, such as by installing split air conditioning units and opting for energy-efficient appliances where practicable. With the global decarbonisation drive gaining in importance, we understand that these ongoing energy reduction efforts merely scratch the surface of what we can and should do. As such, we have identified emerging green and lowcarbon business opportunities across our business units, for which we are currently developing proofs of concept. This is illustrated by Ping’s ongoing work with Cerulean Winds Limited to develop a first-of-its-kind floating wind turbine to power their Excalibur Floating Production Storage and Offloading (“FPSO”) vessel. Upon its launch, the solution will mark a key milestone in the UK energy industry’s decarbonisation journey, earmarking Ping as a pioneer of low-carbon solutions. Electricity Consumption (MWh) in FY2023 Energy Consumption from Mobile Consumption (GJ) Energy Consumption from Stationary Combustion (GJ) 201,213 437 86 Dagang Net Tower SilTerra OGPC Dagang Net Tower Petrol Diesel SilTerra OGPC 277 22 221 257 184 SilTerra Diesel 117 Integrated Report 2023