Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

OUR APPROACH TO SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE Sustainability at DNeX is governed through a comprehensive four-tier structure that spans the entire organisation. This structure ensures that all current and potential sustainability issues are thoroughly considered, and that appropriate action plans are developed and implemented effectively. Board of Directors (“Board”) • Assumes overall responsibility for and oversight of our sustainability strategies • Ensures the alignment of our sustainability strategies with our processes, strategies, Key Performance Indicators (“KPIs”) and desired business outcomes • Led by our Executive Chairman Risk, Governance and Sustainability Committee (“RGSC”) • Monitors and assesses ongoing sustainability initiatives • Leads decision-making on matters concerning our sustainability framework Sustainability Committee (“SC”) • Develops action plans for the execution of all sustainability initiatives at the Group and subsidiary levels • Monitors all our sustainability initiatives on an ongoing basis and reports findings to the RGSC and the Board regularly • Provides updates on our policy revisions, sustainability objectives and changes to regulatory standards to sustainability representatives at the subsidiary level through quarterly meetings • Chaired by the Executive Chairman Group Sustainability Unit • Serves as the Secretariat of the SC • Responsible for identifying areas for improvement in our sustainability governance practices and initiatives • Leads and coordinates our sustainability reporting Sustainability representatives • Executes our sustainability initiatives at the ground level, in accordance with guidance provided by the SC STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT Our stakeholders play an important role in our approach to sustainability. By engaging with them regularly, we gain a clearer understanding of the issues that matter to them, empowering the development of sustainability strategies and initiatives that deliver shared, long-term value. For details on how we engage with our stakeholders and address their concerns, please read the Stakeholder Engagement section of our Integrated Report from pages 40-45. The DNeX Sustainability Governance Structure BOARD OF DIRECTORS Risk, Governance and Sustainability Committee Subsidiary-level Sustainability representatives Chaired by the Executive Chairman Secretariat (Group Sustainability Unit) Sustainability Committee Sustainability Statement DAGANG NeXCHANGE BERHAD 112