Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

Reporting Framework The disclosures within this statement are guided by the following standards and frameworks: • Main Market Listing Requirements (“MMLR”) by Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Malaysia”) • Bursa Malaysia’s Enhanced Sustainability Reporting Framework • Bursa Malaysia’s Corporate Governance Guide (4th edition) • Bursa Malaysia’s Sustainability Reporting Guide (3rd edition) • Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI”) Universal Standards 2021 • United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (“UN SDGs”) • FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia ESG Indicators • Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (“GHG Protocol”) • Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) Recommendations • Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance (“MCCG”) by Securities Commission Malaysia • International Integrated Reporting Framework by IFRS Foundation Statement of Assurance This sustainability statement has not been subjected to an assurance process. Forward-Looking Statements This statement includes forward-looking projections and forecasts regarding our sustainability strategies, prospects and future plans. These projections are based on current expectations and reasonable assumptions but are subject to change due to various external factors beyond our control. Therefore, actual results may differ significantly from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements. We advise readers to exercise caution and not place undue reliance on these projections as they are inherently uncertain and contingent. Feedback We strive to progressively improve our approach to sustainability and value the input and suggestions of our stakeholders. Please send any feedback on this statement or our sustainability initiatives to sustainability@dnex.com.my or via the communication channels available on our corporate website: www.dnex.com.my. Availability This statement is available on our corporate website: www.dnex.com.my. ABOUT DNeX Dagang NeXchange Berhad (“DNeX” or “the Group”) is an investment holding company headquartered in Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Since our founding in 1970, we have diversified our business across three divisions, each operating in dynamic and global industries: • Technology: The manufacturing of semiconductors for global technology companies by SilTerra Malaysia Sdn Bhd (“SilTerra”) • Energy: Upstream oil and gas exploration and production activities carried out by Ping Petroleum Limited (“Ping”), and equipment supply and maintenance services carried out by OGPC Sdn Bhd (“OGPC”) • Information Technology (“IT”): Trade facilitation solutions provided by Dagang Net Technologies Sdn Bhd (“Dagang Net”) and SealNet Sdn Bhd (“SealNet”), technology consulting and system integration services by Innovation Associates Consulting Sdn Bhd (“IAC”), DNeX Solutions Sdn Bhd (“DNeX Solutions”) and subsea telco services by DNeX Telco Services Sdn Bhd (“DNeX Telco”) In addition to our home country of Malaysia, we maintain a network of branches across Indonesia, Taiwan, China and the United Kingdom (“UK”). Our products and solutions are provided to direct customers across these countries. Memberships & Associations We leverage a range of partnerships with public and private sector entities to amplify our sustainability efforts. In addition, we are a member of the United Nations Global Compact (“UNGC”), through which we commit to adopting sustainable practices that align with the universal principles of human rights protection, fair labour practices, environmental protection and anti-corruption. ASSOCIATION BUSINESS DIVISION/ENTITY OUR ROLE United Nations Global Compact Group-wide Member Pan-Asian E-commerce Alliance Dagang Net Member OUR SUPPLY CHAIN We work with a large network of suppliers, including suppliers of raw materials, machinery and technology. In line with our goal to circulate economic value within our home country, our supplier base comprises mainly Malaysian companies. In seeking to uphold our standards in sustainability across our supply chain, we rigorously monitor the ESG practices and impacts of our suppliers and provide ongoing feedback to drive improvement. Moving forward, we aim to develop sustainability-linked supplier selection criteria to further reduce ESG risks within our supply chain. 111 Integrated Report 2023