Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

To our shareholders, thank you for your unceasing trust during trying times. To our various government and business partners, please accept my gratitude for seeing potential in DNeX as an architect for national advancement and supporting our domestic and international endeavours. And to our customers, we are thankful for your faith in our capacity to continually adapt to your needs and iron out any pain points that exist on our shared journey. Most importantly, to our people – you are the central piece of our value creation jigsaw, and your contributions are the one key enabler that empowers success in everything we do. Together, let us DARE to dream, aspire and achieve. With our ambitions high, we can harness the opportunities of today and position DNeX for greater success tomorrow and far into the future. Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Haji Syed Zainal Abidin Bin Syed Mohamed Tahir Executive Chairman Integrated Report 2023 09