Dagang NeXchange Berhad Annual Report 2023

STRENGTHENING OUR GOVERNANCE STANCE Robust and effective governance underlies our sustainabilityrelated and operational initiatives, ensuring that our standards are upheld across our business, and is even more important given our continued expansion across new geographies. With our operations already aligned to an extensive suite of policies and practices, our work in FY2023 focused on strengthening our stance by undertaking progressive improvements and driving awareness of our standards amongst our employees and stakeholders. I would also like to highlight our work to enhance sustainability across our supply chain, which is a key issue that our stakeholders have impressed upon us in recent years. Through coordinated training programmes, we aim to thoroughly communicate our ESG standards amongst our vendors and suppliers, empowering them to journey with us and capture new growth opportunities beyond Malaysia’s shores. Supporting our efforts to strengthen governance, we have made strides in improving the diversity of experiences, skills and competencies made available to the Group via our Board of Directors. In FY2023, we welcomed Tan Sri Acryl Sani bin Haji Abdullah Sani, a former Inspector General of Royal Malaysia Police, and En. Muhammad Saifullah bin Mohd Isa, who also serves as our Head of Corporate Strategy & Investment, to the Board. Reflecting their professional backgrounds, they bring to the table a wealth of knowledge in anti-corruption and corporate finance and planning, respectively, supporting our efforts to forge and maintain trust-based partnerships with private and public entities as we expand our global presence. On this note, I would like to extend my sincere thanks, on behalf of the Board, to our former Chairman, Tan Sri Abdul Rahman Mamat, and our former Executive Director, Encik Zainal ‘Abidin Bin Abd Jalil, for their sterling service to the Group and relentless dedication to its advancement during their tenures. I wish them all the best in their future endeavours. STANDING READY FOR THE UPSWING Looking back on the past 18 months, it is an unmistakeable fact that, largely due to external factors, our financial performance did not meet the high expectations that we have set for ourselves. With that said, I wish to re-emphasise the confidence that I share with the Group’s management that brighter days are around the corner. Across our business divisions, there is much room for optimism. In the Technology division, our proactive investment in MEMS and SiPh positions us to capitalise on the rapid growth in data warehousing and Artificial Intelligence (“AI”), and is already picking up steam with new customers onboarded, while the US-China trade war opens the door to growth in Malaysia’s semiconductor and technology ecosystem. In Energy, PETRONAS aims to grow Malaysia’s oil and gas production to two million barrels of oil equivalent per day by 2025, towards which our new assets will contribute to achieving. Meanwhile, the consistent additions to our IT orderbook – across various public and private industries and applications – is evidence that we have an important role to play in Malaysia’s accelerating digital transformation. This is before mentioning the exciting potential that our partnerships in the Middle East and North Africa proffer for us. These prospects are indeed promising and exciting. We are strategically positioning ourselves in emerging sectors and opportunities that have the potential to deliver outsized value for the Group, driving growth beyond what we have experienced in years prior. However, the nature of emerging investments is that they take time to gestate, to be implemented and realise value – and this is the period that we are in right now. As we ready ourselves for the upswing, we are supported by strong financial fundamentals and the continuing, steadfast support of our stakeholders, for which I am endlessly grateful. Our upcoming climate risk assessment will provide us with a comprehensive view of the risks and opportunities associated with climate change and our transition to lowcarbon operations, informing more effective and holistic decisionmaking on business practices and potential investments. Leadership Insights DAGANG NeXCHANGE BERHAD 08 EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT