Yinson Annual Report 2021

95 ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Yinson's share price vs FBM KLCI Index FINANCIAL CAPITAL Source: Investing.com (2021) t 5IF NBSLFU DPOUJOVFT UP SFCPVOE HJWFO UIF JNQSPWJOH NBDSP FDPOPNJD GVOEBNFOUBMT BNQMF MJRVJEJUZ BOE CVMMJTI TFOUJNFOU in most sectors after the setback from last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, tracking positive performance on the benchmark of FBM KLCI with an upward trend. t 8JUI :JOTPO T IJHI FBSOJOH WJTJCJMJUZ EJWFSTJmFE QPSUGPMJP BOE TVTUBJOBCMF CVTJOFTT NPEFM XF SFNBJO SFTJMJFOU UP UIF TMVNQ JO the equity market, which tumbled to its lowest in March 2020, and are well-positioned to steer on the oil market volatility. t *O UBOEFN XJUI UIJT :JOTPO T DBQBCJMJUZ JO EFMJWFSJOH MPOH UFSN HSPXUI GPS PVS JOWFTUPST JT FWJEFOU XJUI PVS TIBSF QSJDF appreciating by 1.95 times since FYE 2016, from the share price of RM2.67 as at 2 February 2016 to RM5.20 as at 29 January 2021. t *O DPNQBSJTPO UIF '#. ,-$* T QFSGPSNBODF SFNBJOFE nBU XJUI B NJOPS EFDSFBTF GSPN UP PWFS UIF TBNF period. RM5.20 1566.40 2016 2021 2019 2020 2018 2017 Yinson (KLSE-YINSON) FBM KLCI Index In assessing the Group’s ability to repay its loans and borrowings, the Management refers to the Adjusted Net Debt/ Adjusted Core EBITDA ratio. This ratio indicates the number of years’ profits that is needed to cover outstanding loans and borrowings. Management expects next year’s ratio to be higher than 2.68 times as recorded on 31 January 2021, as the FPSO Anna Nery project nears completion. As the Group continues to grow, we will continuously assess and determine the appropriate financing strategy for the Group to ensure an optimal mix of funding of debt and equity markets to support future projects. Equity shareholder performance 5-YEAR PERFORMANCE