Yinson Annual Report 2021

162 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD SECTION 06 : GOVERNANCE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT Areas for improvement t 4VDDFTTJPO QMBOOJOH Lack of focus on formulating a clear succession plan for the orderly succession for appointments to Senior Management. t 3JTL PWFSTJHIU Board shall reassess the current risks management oversight of the Company. Whilst much focus has been given to projects/ commercial and financial risks, other critical risks such as technological, litigation and environmental risks are not given emphasis. t *OGPSNBUJPO nPX BOE #PBSE BENJOJTUSBUJPO Shareholders’ feedback during General Meeting shall be compiled and tabled to the Board for notation and taking necessary follow-up actions, if required. t *OGPSNBUJPO TZTUFN UFDIOPMPHJDBM BEFQUOFTT BOE SFTJMJFODF Board still lacks certain skill sets, particularly those pertinent to the area of information technology (i.e. potential threats to cyber security, system integrity and data breach). More weightage could be placed on keeping Directors well-informed, particularly in technological advancements and breakthroughs within the marine, offshore oil & gas, renewables and green technologies industries. The training programme attended by Directors during FYE 2021 were as follows: Directors Training programmes Lim Han Weng t *O IPVTF EJSFDUPST USBJOJOH o 5IF /FX /PSNBM BOE 'VUVSF PG 3FOFXBCMF &OFSHZ Lim Chern Yuan t $JUJ 7JSUVBM 1BO "TJB *OWFTUPS $POGFSFODF t *OWFTU "4&"/ .BZCBOL ,JN &OH t *OWFTU .BMBZTJB $*.# #VSTB t *O IPVTF EJSFDUPST USBJOJOH o 5IF /FX /PSNBM BOE 'VUVSF PG 3FOFXBCMF &OFSHZ t 3)# 3FHJPOBM 7JSUVBM $POGFSFODF o /BWJHBUJOH 0JM 1SJDF 7PMBUJMJUZ t th Annual CITIC CLSA Investors Forum t +1 .PSHBO "4&"/ *OGSBTUSVDUVSF BOE &OFSHZ %BZ t ,"' 7JSUVBM 4FSJFT "VUPNBUJPO (SFFO 5FDIOPMPHZ GPS $POTUSVDUJPO VOEFS /FX /PSNBM Bah Kim Lian t *O IPVTF EJSFDUPST USBJOJOH o 5IF /FX /PSNBM BOE 'VUVSF PG 3FOFXBCMF &OFSHZ Lim Han Joeh t *O IPVTF EJSFDUPST USBJOJOH o 5IF /FX /PSNBM BOE 'VUVSF PG 3FOFXBCMF &OFSHZ Dato’ Mohamad Nasir bin AB Latif t (PWFSOBODF BOE 3JTL o "O 6ODFSUBJO 8PSME " 3JTLJFS -BOETDBQF o 1X$ .BMBZTJB t $PWJE *NQBDU BOE 3FQPSUJOH o 1X$ .BMBZTJB t 'JEF $PSF .PEVMF " GPS #BOLT o *$-*' &YFDVUJWF &EVDBUJPO $FOUSF t *O IPVTF EJSFDUPST USBJOJOH o 5IF /FX /PSNBM BOE 'VUVSF PG 3FOFXBCMF &OFSHZ t &OMJHIUFONFOU PO UIF 4ZBSJBI 3FTPMVUJPOT JTTVFE CZ 4ZBSJBI "EWJTPSZ $PVODJM PG #/. o "NBOJF Academy t "OUJ .POFZ -BVOEFSJOH BOE $PVOUFS 'JOBODJOH PG 5FSSPSJTN o 3)# #FSIBE t $MJNBUF "DUJPO 5IF #PBSE T -FBEFSTIJQ JO (SFFOJOH UIF 'JOBODJBM 4FDUPS o '*%& t *TMBNJD 'JOBODF GPS #PBSE PG %JSFDUPST BOE 4FOJPS .BOBHFNFOU o *43" $POTVMUJOH t .BMBZTJB #VEHFU 3FWJFX o ,1.( t "OUJ $PSSVQUJPO "XBSFOFTT o .BMBZTJB "JSQPSUT )PMEJOHT #FSIBE t 3FDPWFSZ BOE 3FTPMVUJPO 1MBO o 3)# "DBEFNZ t *OGPSNBUJPO 4FDVSJUZ "XBSFOFTT o 3)# "DBEFNZ t "OUJ #SJCFSZ BOE $PSSVQUJPO o 3)# "DBEFNZ