Yinson Annual Report 2021

150 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD SECTION 05 : OUR CAPITALS NATURAL CAPITAL Air emissions NON-GHG AIR EMISSIONS: FPSOs FPSO Abigail- Joseph FPSO Adoon FPSO JAK FPSO Helang FPSO PTSC Lam Son FSO PTSC Bien Dong 01 TOTAL CO - Carbon monoxide (tonnes) 74.7 41.0 347.6 110.2 73.5 9.7 656.8 NOx - Nitrogen oxides (tonnes) 20.4 48.1 499.2 142.5 108.2 73.2 891.6 SO 2 - Sulphur dioxides (tonnes) 2.8 7.7 2.2 4.2 0.5 0.4 17.9 nmVOCs - (non- methane) Volatile organic compounds (tonnes) 21.8 6.4 36.9 15.3 7.3 4.1 91.7 Reporting boundaries include: t %JSFDU FNJTTJPOT DBMDVMBUFE FTUJNBUF GPS mOBODJBM ZFBS t &NJTTJPOT GSPN VOJU QMBOU DPNCVTUJPO QSPDFTTFT BSF DBMDVMBUFE UISPVHI NPOUIMZ FOWJSPONFOUBM SFQPSUJOH TZTUFN GPS FBDI unit (established in 2020). t (BT nBSJOH JT DBMDVMBUFE UISPVHI NPOUIMZ FOWJSPONFOUBM SFQPSUJOH TZTUFN GPS FBDI VOJU NON-GHG AIR EMISSIONS: OSVs Yinson Hermes Yinson Perwira PTSC Huong Giang PTSC Lam Kinh TOTAL CO - Carbon monoxide (tonnes) 33.5 111.2 37.2 50.3 232.1 NOx - Nitrogen oxides (tonnes) 126.6 420.5 140.7 190.3 878.1 SO 2 - Sulphur dioxides (tonnes) 8.5 28.3 9.5 12.8 59.1 nmVOCs - (Non-methane VOCs) Volatile organic compounds (tonnes) 4.3 14.2 4.7 6.4 29.6 Water and effluents Through the production process, Yinson’s FPSOs discharge produced water, slop and seawater (used for cooling purposes) to sea during daily operations. The World Bank requires that produced water discharges containing oil and grease to be below 30 ppm. We have successfully reduced our produced water discharges to levels of 15 ppm across all our vessels, hence going below regulatory requirements. This is a feature created by design, whereby the discharge system for slop tanks (which is used for storage and eventual discharge of produced water and slop) is designed to only allow discharge after confirmation of slop tank oil in water levels to be below 15 ppm. SLOP AND PRODUCED WATER DISCHARGED FPSO Abigail- Joseph FPSO Adoon FPSO JAK FPSO Helang FPSO PTSC Lam Son FSO PTSC Bien Dong 01 TOTAL Slop and produced water discharged (bblw) 5,022 42,994,814 593,405 577,132 814,856 6,851 44,992,082 Oil in water content (ppm) <15 7.37 <15 10.93 <15 <15 <15