Yinson Annual Report 2021

149 ANNUAL REPORT 2021 NATURAL CAPITAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION: OFFICES Office Energy consumption (kWh) Kuala Lumpur 185,266 Miri 41,113 Singapore 138,848 Oslo 59,459 Accra 10,753 Takoradi 22,248 Nigeria 11,109 Netherlands 30,428 India 18,486 TOTAL 517,710 Less purchased electricity was consumed in FYE 2021 as many employees worked from home due to the pandemic. POLLUTION MANAGEMENT We are committed to manage and reduce all potential pollutants from our assets. Air Emissions Effluents Waste Yinson’s definition Not all emissions to air are categorised as GHGs. Through our operations, we have identified generation of other air emissions including nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, sulphur oxides, carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds. Effluents are liquid waste that need to be discharged according to relevant standards, including HSE considerations, offshore oil & gas development regulations, and those set out in key industry documents. FPSO effluents include produced water, slop water, seawater used for cooling purposes and sewage. Wastes are items that are discarded after use onboard our vessels. This includes plastics, metal, lining and packing materials. How Yinson manages the pollutant t .POJUPS OJUSPHFO PYJEFT sulphur dioxide, sulphur oxides, carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds onboard our vessels. Take measures to meet regulatory requirements on emissions levels. t $PNNJU UP FYQMPSJOH BOE as far as possible, selecting low-emission technologies and engines for utilisation onboard our assets. t .POJUPS BOE NFBTVSF effluents onboard all our vessels. t .BJOUFOBODF PG EFUBJMFE procedures to ensure overboard discharges meet regulatory requirements and internal ISO 14001 standards to mitigate applicable biodiversity impacts. t 6OEFSUBLF SFMFWBOU improvement initiatives wherever possible including taking additional voluntary steps to clean effluents before disposal. t &OGPSDF 8BTUF .BOBHFNFOU Plan which details strict internal processes to ensure waste is managed in alignment to all relevant environmental standards.