Yinson Annual Report 2021

148 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD SECTION 05 : OUR CAPITALS NATURAL CAPITAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT Our energy consumption is broken down into two categories: offshore and onshore usage. Offshore usage relates to FPSO energy consumption for hydrocarbon processing and related business activities; and OSV energy consumption towards providing offshore support services. Onshore usage relates to daily office activities including cooling and heating. Primary energy consumption calculations are completed as recommended by IPIECA CCE-6 and GRI 302. The factors used to calculate the energy contents are adopted from IPIECA’s Sustainability Reporting Guidance for the Oil & Gas Industry (4 th ed. 2020). We are in discussions with an external party to test a new energy efficiency-based notation on an upcoming project. The notation is not yet available for use, representing an exciting opportunity to be at the forefront of adopting the new standard. This is similar to the ISO 50001 standard to manage energy use and reduce emissions from FPSOs. OFFICE RENOVATIONS: WALKING THE TALK In line with our commitment to environmental sustainability, we moved our global headquarters in Kuala Lumpur to a Green Building Index GBI certified building; with office interior renovations designed and certified to the strict standards of LEED Gold V4 ID+C. This takes into consideration environment-friendly office features including location and transportation; water efficiency; energy and atmosphere; materials and resources. Further, we opted for holistic changes in office equipment and materials to favour environment- friendly alternatives. With this, we aim to embed the environmental sustainability mindset amongst employees while running their day-to-day business activities. Conducive and healthy working environments, pg 118 ENERGY CONSUMPTION: FPSOs FPSO Abigail- Joseph FPSO Adoon FPSO JAK FPSO Helang FPSO PTSC Lam Son FSO PTSC Bien Dong 01 TOTAL Energy used (Gj) 143,717 402,088 5,265,476 1,041,056 1,744,596 137,578 8,734,512 Energy used (MWh) 39,921 111,691 1,462,632 289,182 484,610 38,216 2,426,253 Energy used is calculated through monthly environmental reporting system for each unit (established in 2020). ENERGY CONSUMPTION: OSVs Yinson Hermes Yinson Perwira PTSC Huong Giang PTSC Lam Kinh TOTAL Energy used (MWh) 25,423 84,461 28,256 38,225 176,366