Yinson Annual Report 2021

146 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD SECTION 05 : OUR CAPITALS NATURAL CAPITAL The captured boundaries for carbon emissions are as follows, and will be further enhanced as we progress in our sustainability journey. New indicators are added this year as we dive in deeper towards transparently highlighting the various GHGs that we emit during operations. Scope 1 All our owned assets, covering FPSOs, OSVs and Renewables Scope 2 Purchased electricity Scope 3 Business air travel Total carbon emissions (tonnes) FYE 2020 FYE 2021 Scope 1 (tonnes, total) 265,416 1 576,616 Scope 2 2 204 273 Scope 3 3 5,422 1,137 1 In FYE 2020, carbon emissions from FPSO JAK and FPSO Adoon were summed up to 346,167 tonnes. These figures are restated this year to incorporate the equity-share approach for a more accurate view of our carbon footprint. The changes in Scope 1 carbon emissions stem from an increase in scope for our assets, along with internal data assurance activities undertaken for the year. 2 Scope 2 carbon emissions increased due to an increase in coverage to include new offices. Having said that, overall office energy usage was reduced in the year due to the pandemic. 3 Scope 3 emissions are reduced primarily because of pandemic-induced air travel restrictions. External environment, pg 62; Yinson's Climate Goals, pg 72 CARBON EMISSIONS SCOPE 1: FPSOs Item FPSO Abigail- Joseph FPSO Adoon FPSO JAK FPSO Helang FPSO PTSC Lam Son FSO PTSC Bien Dong 01 TOTAL CO 2 - Carbon dioxide (tonnes) 39,155 32,973 270,620 81,273 58,272 3,928 486,222 CH 4 – Methane (tonnes) 338 437 1,674 241 174 198 3,063 N 2 O - Nitrous oxide (tonnes) 2 2 19 5 4 0 32 CO 2 e (tonnes) 49,824 47,870 318,345 89,946 63,074 7,557 576,616 CO 2 e per barrel of oil equivalent produced 50.7 8.9 14.5 17.1 92.3 6.3 16.3 Reporting boundaries include: t %JSFDU FNJTTJPOT FTUJNBUF DBMDVMBUFE GPS mOBODJBM ZFBS t 5IF FNJTTJPOT GSPN VOJU QMBOU DPNCVTUJPO QSPDFTTFT BSF DBMDVMBUFE UISPVHI NPOUIMZ FOWJSPONFOUBM SFQPSUJOH TZTUFN for each unit. t (BT nBSJOH JT DBMDVMBUFE UISPVHI NPOUIMZ FOWJSPONFOUBM SFQPSUJOH TZTUFN GPS FBDI VOJU