Yinson Annual Report 2021

143 ANNUAL REPORT 2021 NATURAL CAPITAL Our Natural Capital consists of the naturally occurring resources used in, or affected by, our business activities. Yinson is aware of its multifaceted environmental footprint stemming from its business operations. We remain unwavering in our commitment towards managing our impact towards the natural environment. YINSON’S STRATEGY FOR MANAGING NATURAL CAPITAL GOVERNANCE Governance responsibility of our Natural Capital lies principally with the Sustainability Committee which provides oversight of our environment-driven initiatives. APPROACH Our approach is governed by our publicly available Environmental Policy, which includes the following commitments: t 1SPUFDUJPO PG UIF FOWJSPONFOU WJB BQQSPQSJBUF NFBTVSFT UBLFO t *NQMFNFOUBUJPO BOE NBJOUFOBODF PG BO FGGFDUJWF NBOBHFNFOU TZTUFN JO DPOGPSNBODF UP *40 t *NQSPWJOH FOWJSPONFOU QFSGPSNBODF BOE FOFSHZ FGmDJFODZ CZ NJOJNJTJOH DPOTVNQUJPO PG SFTPVSDFT BOE SFEVDJOH XBTUF generated offshore and onshore. t 1SFWFOUJPO PG BDDJEFOUBM EJTDIBSHFT UP MBOE BJS BOE XBUFS t $POGPSNJOH UP JOUFSFTUFE QBSUJFT FYQFDUBUJPOT BOE BQQMJDBCMF SFHVMBUPSZ BOE PUIFS SFMBUFE SFRVJSFNFOUT OPERATIONALISATION Our policies are operationalised through our ISO 14001-certified EMS. Key areas covered by the EMS include: t *EFOUJGZJOH BOE DPOUSPMMJOH BDUJWJUJFT PG TJHOJmDBOU environmental impact. t $PNQMJBODF XJUI FOWJSPONFOUBM SFHVMBUJPOT t "EFRVBUF SFHVMBS USBJOJOH QSPHSBNNFT GPS FNQMPZFFT and contractual staff. t 3FDPSEJOH FOWJSPONFOUBM QFSGPSNBODFT t $POUJOVPVT JNQSPWFNFOU DZDMFT t $PSSFDUJWF BDUJPOT UP CF VOEFSUBLFO BT OFDFTTBSZ t *ODJEFOU JOWFTUJHBUJPOT BT OFDFTTBSZ Our robust Emergency Response Plans ensure appropriate measures are undertaken under any environment-related emergency scenarios. This leads to an overall protection of the surrounding biodiversity where we operate. QUALITY ASSURANCE To ensure highest quality for all data indicators, our methodologies are based on internationally recognised practices and standards: t &NJTTJPO mHVSFT DBMDVMBUFE CBTFE PO &OWJSPONFOUBM and Emissions Monitoring System (EEMS)- Atmospheric Emissions Calculations (UKOG). t 3FQPSUJOH PG ()( FNJTTJPOT QFSGPSNFE JO BDDPSEBODF with the GHG Protocol. t ()( FRVJWBMFOU DPOWFSTJPO CBTFE PO UIF (MPCBM Warming Potential (GWP) factors from IPCC’s fifth Assessment Report. t 3FQPSUJOH PG PUIFS JOGPSNBUJPO CBTFE PO HVJEBODF from GRI or the IPIECA. Sustainability governance, pg 108