Yinson Annual Report 2021

140 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD SECTION 05 : OUR CAPITALS SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIPS CAPITAL Local student development initiatives We continued building and developing partnerships with local tertiary education institutions in FYE 2021 with the aim of sharing our value proposition with students and raising awareness on career prospects in our industry. INITIATIVE DETAILS ESTIMATED ATTENDEES Field Ready Ventilator Challenge t 0SHBOJTFE BT QBSU PG 'JFME 3FBEZ T FNQMPZBCJMJUZ QSPHSBNNF GPS engineering students in Ghana, Mozambique and Nigeria. t 1BSUJDJQBOUT XFSF UBTLFE UP EFTJHO B TJNQMF MPX DPTU BOE TDBMBCMF ventilator as a positive response to the Covid-19 pandemic. t 5IF DIBMMFOHF XBT KVEHFE CZ FOHJOFFSJOH BOE TDJFOUJmD experts from the government, engineering industry and academia from eight countries. t :JOTPO (IBOB T JOUFSOT XPO UIF DIBMMFOHF XJUI UIFJS EFTJHO 5IF team is now working on refining the design and to manufacture a prototype. 56 participants Integrated Work Study Programme IWSP with SIT t :JOTPO JT *OEVTUSZ 1BSUOFS JO 4*5 T *841 UISPVHI XIJDI XF are committed to provide students with unique learning opportunities. t 5ISPVHI *841 TUVEFOUT CFOFmU GSPN BQQMJFE MFBSOJOH FYQPTVSF to real-world environment and smooth transition to jobs. t "TJEF GSPN TVQQPSUJOH *841 BDUJWJUJFT :JOTPO QSPWJEFT TVDDFTTGVM internship applicants with a 26-week long internship at our Singapore office. 36 students applied for internship programme with Yinson SIT Virtual Career Nexus Fair t :JOTPO QBSUJDJQBUFE JO UIF WJSUVBM FYIJCJUJPO XJUI PVS CPPUI providing information about Yinson and the oil & gas industry. t "SPVOE TUVEFOUT IBE POF UP POF FOHBHFNFOUT XJUI :JOTPO T engineers to find out more about engineering careers in the oil & gas industry. 2,500 attendees Malaysians of Melbourne University (“MoMU”) t :JOTPO DPOUJOVFE PVS QMBUJOVN TQPOTPSTIJQ PG .P.6 JO ':& Campus engagement was limited due to the impact of Covid-19. t 5IF FOHBHFNFOU JODMVEFE TPDJBM NFEJB QPTUT OFXTMFUUFST BSUJDMFT and a series of events throughout the year. t 0O "QSJM XF KPJOUMZ PSHBOJTFE B XFCJOBS FOUJUMFE 'Demystifying Sustainability', with speakers from Yinson including Group Chief Strategy Officer, Daniel Bong and Group HR Director, Louisa Brady. 40 participants attended the webinar Sunway University t *O ':& :JOTPO QBSUJDJQBUFE JO UIF TQPOTPSTIJQ PG 4VOXBZ University’s Employment Guide, which was distributed to students. 1800 e-copies distributed Women in Science and Engineering Forum t 0O 'FCSVBSZ :JOTPO (IBOB QBSUJDJQBUFE JO UIF 8PNFO in Science and Engineering Forum organised by Field Ready Alliance, themed ‘Science and Engineering: Embracing the Career I Love”. t 5IF 'PSVN DFMFCSBUFT BOE IPOPVST XPNFO JO TDJFODF BOE engineering roles by giving them a platform to empower and motivate women. t 1SPDFTT &OHJOFFS 4FNJSBUV "CEBMMBI QBSUJDJQBUFE BT B HVFTU speaker, and spoke to students about her experiences, the challenges she faced and how she overcame them. Not available